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Ko Lok Kan, Arthur
12 articles

1/35 M4A2 Marine Sherman by Academy

April 16, 2021 · in Armor · · 12 · 2.2K

Thought I might share my older work from last year, this is the M4A2 from , in scale.

I understand that how 'weathered' for a working tank could be controversial. Despite that, I just wanted to make mine look special. Hey it's my model anyway. I really enjoy weathering tanks.

I had so much fun on this work because this is the one I actually tested out using the Chipping Medium from Vallejo. I've got fascinated in the use of different weathering techniques since then. I was just testing out at the time and this Sherman just turned out great, for me at least.

So...for your reference, I painted multiple layers of colors in different tones with an airbrush, and used Chipping Medium between layers. The rusting textures were applied later on.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Fantastic detail, paint and weathering work. I like this a lot.

  2. I go with Tom!
    Great model, antastic painting and weathering!

  3. Very well done sir! I like the weathering techniques and the willingness to experiment. I too love to weather & "beat up" tanks. Look for the "Night Shift" on YouTube, the modeler's name is Martin Kovac. I have learned a lot and have been introduced to many new and different modeling products since I started viewing his tutorials. Give it a look, he does awesome work. Keep the armour models coming!

  4. Looking fabulous, the paint job is extremely well done!

  5. I can echo everyone else in saying great weathering and paint work!

  6. Great weathering technique, definitely liked.

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