Fw 200 Syndicato Condor – Revell 1/72

May 28, 2021 · in Aviation · · 28 · 3.2K

I had intended to build this FW 200 Condor operated by Syndicato Condor some years ago, due to its interesting history, so I had been collecting datas and general information about its short period of operation in Brazil.

The kit is the Revell new mold, with recessed panels lines, good clear parts and decal sheet. I had some difficulty deciding which scheme to paint due some data conflicts between the instruction sheet, the decal sheet and the real thing. But after a lot of consulting to my friend Alvarenga, whose is a "walking encyclopedia" I finished the complete scheme to follow.

Model: Fw 200 Syndicato Condor Limitada by Revell AG - 1992
Purchased: October 14th, 2014 on E-bay Germany
Building dates: May 5th, 2021 to May 27th, 2021

Building summary:
Squadron Green Putty and Tamiya White Putty;
Polyester primer (from automotive painting stores);
Polyurethane bi-component grey base coat for metalizing;
Metalizing with Chromonox Ink;
Polyurethane bi component clear coat;
Others polyester colors by Dryco.

On this size of model I do prefer to apply metalizing with a spray gun instead of an airbrush, because it is easier to acquire a homogenized surface.

This should have been an easy model project, but I had some accidental problems which took me more time and patience. One of them was to repeat all the metalizing painting sequences due to some fingertips and dust.

Searching sources:

The main help came from my old friend José de Alvarenga, whom I am so grateful for the pictures, your patience and good talk.

The story behind the photo; Luiz Felipe B. de Barros

História da Cruzeiro do Sul - Paulo Laux

Serviços aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul

Finally a rare theme in my collection, in an uncommon color scheme. It certainly has mistakes but I am keeping my entertainment and enthusiasm with the hobby, that is the main goal to me.


Reader reactions:
21  Awesome

17 additional images. Click to enlarge.

28 responses

  1. Looks good! Interesting to see the 200 in civilian duds!

  2. Profile Photo
    Walt said on May 28, 2021

    Beautiful work! I really like the Condor, I think it is a classic looking plane and in that paint style really fits the era it came from! Really nice work on a beautiful bird!

  3. Super nice, beautifully build and great finish. I know this is not the same airplane but I can see this plane used in the background with Humphrey Bogart in that foggy night scene in the airport from the movie Casa Blanca.

  4. Great model! The spray gun idea is a good one, as it does give a nice even finish, with no overspray lines. Good thinking.

  5. Amazing work. And enlightening info, as I had no idea this kit existed! I was going to back date a later FW-200, until I saw this. Thanks! Now I can focus that energy on my custom 1/72 He-177 A-1.

  6. Excellent work Roberto I really like the way she looks in civilian dress. And are you munching on pickles as you enjoy your Heineken beer? Sweet or dill?

    • Hi Tom, thank you.
      That Heineken is worldwide known as a golden color, with good foam.
      And the pickles is dill, a good snack to accompany a cool beer.
      Have a nice weekend.

  7. An amazing build, Roberto, of a kit rarely seen built.
    Love the spray gun idea!

  8. You clearly showed the beauty of this aircraft, Roberto.
    Good to see it in commercial scheme.
    Well done.

  9. Amazing Plane!

  10. Excellent work. We never see these built.

  11. Really nice result. I think the Condor looks better on 'Civvy Street." I thought this was a re-do of the old (not so good) kit, good to know that's not the case. Excellent paint work overall.

  12. That's slick. The Condor might look better as an airliner.

  13. That's really cool, Roberto, looks great in that colour scheme, definitely liked, and "cheers".

  14. Great build and paintwork!

  15. High quality build.

  16. Nicely done Roberto, well detailed and painted, looks good.

  17. https://fw200-restaurierung-bremen.de/

    There is a group in Germany that has recently restored or cobbled together several Fw-200s to make a complete airframe. A fantastic site of interesting airliner and bomber.

    Two thumbs ups Roberto on your article and the model. Looks fantastic.

  18. @boblucio what paints did you use?

  19. Looks great ! I think I'll post my C-8.

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