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David Garcia
37 articles

Classic Kit: Revell 1/40 Skyraider (1958)

July 16, 2021 · in Aviation · · 26 · 2.7K

This is another one of my out of the box builds. It is the . Note, It is not a box scale kit. issued other models in this scale including all their armor kits from the era. I tried to post the building process but the system would not let me. This was already a started kit and I have no idea how I ended up with it. Every model I've seen of this kit shows the wonky wings and short landing gear due to all the moving parts on the kit. I decided to forgo all that and build it on a stand in SEA colors. One edition of the kit in 1975 or so had extra parts for a Sandy. I robbed that kit for the parts and decals. Building the model involved normal modeling skills. I used Perfect Plastic Putty on this one and Tamiya gray primer. So here is my version of the Revell model built out of the box.

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16  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

26 responses

  1. This is another fantastic OOB build out if that classic kit, David!
    I love the way you overcame the short landing gear.

  2. Nice David, looks great on the stand.

  3. I’m really liking these classic kit builds sir.
    You do inspiring work.

    • Marvin,

      Thanks! My hope is to show that one does not need the latest kits to build attractive models. Also one can hone one’s skills on these kits without worrying about messing it up since they are relatively inexpensive compared to a new Hasegawa or Tamiya kit. I appreciate your comments.

  4. Really nice to see those old-stagers getting some love. Thanks very much for posting this one, David!


  5. Excellent work, David. I recall when this kit came out (yes, I'm old) and IIRC it was full of features (that seemed to be a norm for a lot of kits of that era). Also, back then there was no such thing as reference material, or modelling supplies, as we have today...I think all we had back then was tube glue, and not much else. We are certainly spoiled these days!
    Congratulations on a terrific's nice to see the old classics built up.

  6. Very nice out-of-the-box build, David (@thevid). They were still flying these when I first joined the Air Force, and they are still one of my favorites. Well done.

  7. Super looking Sandy! I remember seeing this kit listed in Revell's 1969 catalog!

  8. I'll try and post the build photos. This is what came in the box. It had been started. The lower center wing has been painted and the pylons have glued on. The instruction sheet shows the innards of some of the working parts.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  9. Lots of Perfect Plastic Putty was used on this kit. The wing root fit was good and the surface of the kit has fine recessed lines and rivets.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  10. One the dive brakes I noticed the front edge seam was prominent on the aircraft. Initial Duplicolor auto primer sprayed and more puttying.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  11. The kit has a nice engine and can be painted up well. Now I've sprayed the model with Tamiya primer and more sanding continues

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  12. Starting to get ready for paint.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  13. First coat of SEA tan is on. The Vietnam era underwing stores from a 1976 edition and include rocket pods, and mini-guns

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  14. Painted and decals and flat finish applied. I added a small white blade antenna to the model. One thing I did learn about the airplane is that the windshield does not really have frames per say but three pieces mounted together that it looks like one piece in some photos. I think there is armored glass on front panel.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  15. Great build, David.
    Your decision to exclude the moving elements made this a much nice aircraft.
    Thanks for adding the building process.

    • Thanks John! Yes the kit had too many features that moved. To make a kit with landing down I would need to extend the legs for a proper sit, as it is too short in order to fit in the wheel wells. It's the same thing with Revell's 1960s Memphis Belle. The landing is too short for the same reason.

  16. Outstanding, David! Great looking Spad.

  17. Nice 'raider! I'm enjoying your work on these old kits, as I do a lot of similar projects.

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