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Carlo Farina
49 articles

HMS Prince of Wales 1/700

July 26, 2021 · in Ships · · 15 · 2.8K

Dear friends, this is my last model. The in scale. Model kit by that represents the ship in December of 1941. In the kit there are a lot of photoetch, metal barrels and resin parts. I think that in 1/700 the Flyhawk kits are the best.

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19  Awesome 1 

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15 responses

  1. Best, fiddly, challenging, overly complex... I've heard a lot of things about Flyhawk kits, and yet to have tried one myself... Whatever the case, your PoW looks the part. Very nice job on the paint scheme, and with all the PE!

  2. If you didn't say t he scale, I would have thought this was 1/350. Very nice!

  3. Great work on the rigging and camo!

  4. Beautiful, I love ships, 26 years in the USN I guess I had better! Anyway very nicely done, and in 1/700 wow!

  5. An amazing build!

  6. Great looking build with lots of details, Carlo.
    Nice camouflage pattern as well.

  7. That's a lot of quality work put into this model, Carlo!
    The result is simply outstanding!

  8. Well done! Is that a wooden deck that you put on it?

  9. Great job! She has a real nice look.

  10. Excellent work!

  11. Outstanding work, Carlo. The King George V class were handsome ships and your Prince of Wales is beautfully painted and weathered. May I ask how you did the etch railing? I have heard that it is necessary to glue it down in sections rather than long pieces. Does that rule apply in 1/700 as in 1/350? I have the Tamiya 1/350 King Goerge V with plenty of etch. Still not brave enough to tackle it, though.

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