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Carl Christensen
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July 13, 2021 · in Armor · · 3 · 1.6K

This is the 3rd of my 3 scale projects that I've had going at the same time. Now my bench is clear for my new projects I'm about to start.

This is a German recovery crew loading up a captured Soviet T-70 onto a Sonderanhanger 10 Ton Tank Trailor.

The Sonderanhanger trailer is made by . Its a simple kit, but very nicely detailed and I really liked it.

The T-70 and figures are Miniart.

I may put it onto a base at some point, but have got distracted by the new projects that have just arrived from ebay.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

3 responses

  1. Great diorama, Carl!

  2. Nicely done,love the detail.

  3. Lots going on here, Carl, would definitely look good on a base, I pushed the liked button.

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