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Charles King
130 articles

Piaggio Vespa

July 23, 2021 · in Automotive · · 16 · 2.1K

This is a 1/12 scale(not a hundred procent sure) I bought cheap at a local vendor. I added a cracked glass where the speedometer was, as it was just a piece of decal. Made a cut in the seat and added some inner material and did some heavy weathering. I left the wheels as is, because it was difficult to remove, and I didn't want to ruin the support attachments. I'll just say, the owner changed out the wheels and put on new tires before he started renovation on the vespa itself.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Nice! right out of the back streets of Naples.

  2. I've definitely seen Vespas that look just like this.

  3. Nice job, look pretty real to me.

  4. Great job on that Vespa, Charles!

  5. Just needs a Union Jack on the sides, great work, Charles.

  6. Beautiful job on this Italian classic, Charles.

  7. Beautifully done! love your great weathering!

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