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Tony Prince
96 articles

R.A.A.F Spitfire Vc. 79 Sqn. Momote, New Guinea, 1944.

July 30, 2021 · in Aviation · · 20 · 1.7K

I'd actually started a Bf109F for our club group build (which of course didn't happen) when I became distracted by the prospect of building another using two kits to get the universal wing necessary for the Vc. I had a spare Hasegawa Mk.IX & an Airfix Mk.Vb. Wing to fuselage transplant respectively provided a bit of kit bashing was carried out. Since I've done two of these before, there was no reason not to get started.

Wing root/ fuselage joint was pretty easy with only 1mm. or so each side to fill & fettle. Amputation & transplant of the port radiator with an Airfix oil cooler was pretty straightforward & otherwise each major portion used its own parts as necessary. Paints were Valleho & extracrylic & decals from Aeromaster. I've since picked up the '109 & you might see it fairly soon (provided I don't get distracted again). This was a fun job & provided the opportunity for lots of research. Somewhere between my hobby supplier & my front door is a Special Hobby Spit Vc. Out of the box this time.

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13  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Excellent job, Tony!
    Painting and weathering are superb!

  2. Very nice RAAF build, Tony @tony-prince
    Those white accents give it a really nice look.

  3. Well done, Tony. I always enjoy seeing Australian Spitfires.

  4. Thanks John. Hopefully a few more to come.

  5. Right up to your usual very high standards, Tony. Great build and finish.

  6. Great kitbash. Always enjoy an RAAF build.

  7. Love it! I've recently become fascinated with the SW Pacific theater air war, and am lining up some builds along that line. I think a duplicate of this (in 1/72) will be my first Spitfire to ever add to my collection! I like the scheme on this, and as always your build and finish is superb. Well done.

  8. I'm really glad you got this done, so that Eduard could release their Spitfire Vc (coming soon in a double boxing with the Spitfire Vb) and save us all the effort you had to put in. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Nice work as usual.

    • Thanks for the inspiration Tom. Why am I not surprised at the forthcoming Eduard Vb & Vc release? I'd be willing to bet that Airfix will do a 1/48 Vc soon too, although they 're a bit slow off the mark. Good job that I like kitbashing!

  9. Good to see very nice Spitfire from my squadron ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Beautiful build, I love a nice kit bash. Looks great, very nice finish.

  11. Nicely done, a great looking Spitfire!

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