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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Apparently I have a thing for British tanks

August 11, 2021 · in Armor · · 6 · 1.2K

The third and last of my summer builds is this . Three British tanks in a row for me with a Churchill Crocodile in construction. I guess it's a “thing” now. Anyway, it's another great little armor kit from Tamiya added to my growing 1/48 collection.

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12  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Nice build and great job on the finish. Looks pretty realistic.

  2. Apparently you do have a thing for British tanks, my friend Scott!
    And, what a joy for us, since your job is truly excellent!

  3. This really is a nice kit from Tamiya. I like the one I did, and yours looks really super. Great weathering.

  4. Great build, Scott @guitarhack5
    Weathering is great and the paintwork on the soldiers is superb.

  5. I have a thing for Brit tanks as well. The Cromwell is like the Pershing, the common ancestor to their respective nations' modern battle tanks.

    Very nice model.

  6. Great Cromwell, Scott.

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