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Charles King
130 articles

Mono Wheel – ‘The Ripper’

August 13, 2021 · in Sci-fi · · 22 · 2.3K

The Ripper - The overall build is based on Shane Baxley's, 3D design art. As usual, all the details were constructed using whatever looked the part. So, not all the details are accurate to the original 3D art that Shane did. I modified basically everything to simulate the original look, but at the same time, give it some similarities while keeping the details to my personal taste.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Awesome build, Charles @tiking
    Not sure if I want to give such a mono wheeler a try, still prefer bikes on two wheels.

  2. So weird!
    Love it, Charles!
    Ad usual, excellent allover build.
    Kudos to your imagination and creativity!

  3. That’s an ultra cool build, plus it looks like it will ride!

  4. Very cool. "When it hit the ground, you could hear the sound, and see the sparks a country mile." It's truly a "stick of rollin' dynamite"! ( with thanks to Billy F. Gibbons for the use of his lyrics 😉 )

  5. So much better than a motorised bicycle. Just what I need to get home from the local tavern!

  6. Great interpretation, Charles, and so recognisable as your work, definitely liked.

  7. Charles,

    Your science fiction is as close to reality as it gets. I see young guy's running around with motorized unicycles. Some are designed with a skate board concept in which the rider stands on a board with a single wheel mounted in the middle of the board while , others ride on top of the wheel sitting on a seat or they stand on some petals. The smarter guy's wear a helmet. There electric and I'm sure there stabilized with gyro's. Your model looks more like a dragster waiting for a little bleach on the tar to do a burn out. Lookin good.

  8. Charles King does it again, surprising, simple,elegant and unusual. Keep them coming . Great stuff.

  9. Well done, Charles (@tiking). I really admire builders who have the imagination and skill to create something like this and make it believable. Kudos.

  10. Yeah, Charles...this is pretty darned cool...

  11. Charles, where is the drivetrain on this wheel? I've looked her over pretty well but don't see how it's powered. Is there a telemetric link between wheel and engine? This is a striking piece of art regardless and a great testament to your vivid imagination and skill! 🙂

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