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George Schembri
58 articles

Grumman X-29A – Hasegawa 1/72

September 12, 2021 · in Aviation · · 22 · 2.5K

As part of my growing assembly of F-5 related/based builds in , the was just completed.
I'm considering this build done for now, I've misplaced the 'Chuck Sewel' decal which goes on the canopy frame and I was going to try a panel line enhancer but figured I'll try that another day.
I also left out the internal bare metal lining inside the air intakes.

Wiki info states that the X-29 design made use of the forward fuselage and nose landing gear from two existing F-5A Freedom Fighter airframes.
I am not sure how or when the Northrop Grumman merger initiated but there must have been prior cooperation as the X-29 first flew in late 1984.
Checking Scalemates, my box art identifies the kit as Kit #620/BT200261 initial release from 1985

The Assembly was pretty much straight forward with minimal putty required on the joints which I didn't properly align.
I had to sun bleach the decal to remove some yellowing, and applied a generous coat of Microscale Liquid Decal Film.
Apply the OLD decals was a bit of an issue with the LONG sections breaking apart and flaking in some areas but final enamel touchups got things looking good again. As I was pushing down the underwing the decals with the Q-tip the curved decals smeared out of place a bit as they got softened up with Micro Sol - almost decided to go with a 'What If' camo finish at that point but things got back in line for the most part.

Paint is actually multiple fine coats of Tremclad Painter's Touch Flat White Enamel base primer straight out of the rattle Rattle can and then covered with Future after letting it cure for about a week.
I had to be very careful with the Enamel Primer as the paint just gushed out of the can.
Hoping a F-5E Aggressor is the next F-5 build addition.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. A very interesting build, looks great. The museum that I volunteer at { Cradle of Aviation} has a full size mock up of the X-29, unfortunately it's in storage in the restoration hanger due lack of display space.

  2. Fantastic build, George @georgeswork
    This plane does indeed look a bit like the F5 except for the canards and the forward pointing wings.
    Scheme looks awesome.

  3. That’s a beautiful , esoteric airplane.
    Old decals can be problematic at times, just fine other times. You did a great job though, looks excellent.

  4. Exotic and beautiful George. The decals must have been a delicate event to put down.

  5. A wifier that actually flew. Nicely done George.

  6. Fantastic build of a very beloved plane, my friend George!

  7. Nicely done George, looks good, your white is brighter than mine !

  8. Excellent work with these large decals, bravo!

  9. I remember the first time I saw that aircraft on the cover of Popular Mechanics.

    • Oh yesssss (@mooplace) - April 1985!

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  10. Your model looks great!

    I built one of these kits too...~~~~and I did what you call a:
    "In building" photo shoot with my new digital camera, taking photos during different phases of the build. As I recall it was a nice model to build and like you say: The decals created a small problem when you applied them.

    Anyways, Thanks for posting a fine looking model.

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