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Clark Cook
21 articles

Monogram T-28D

September 3, 2021 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2.9K

Well another oldie but goodie for you this evening. The 1/48ish T-28D from the mid-sixties I believe. I even built it will all of the operating features but decided to go ahead and lock down the flimsy gear with a touch of superlue. All OOB. Model Master paint, Mr. Color semi-gloss clear. Some minor weathering. The kit is just good enough to entice me to use all of the aftermarket I have collected for a super build. But first, a Monogram OA-4M lies in wait. A tip of the old flight cap to Jim Sullivan for some photo magic.

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12  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Thanks Clark, always delightful to see an old classic kit built. No doubt it brings back memories to some of our older modelers. Over years gone by I built several of Monogram's T-28D and their T-28B. I'm thinking they did a T-28A also way back. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  2. Wow! A blast from the past, nice work.

  3. Older than that @clarkcook. All the way from 1956, the first of their "almost serious" kits that still appealed as toys with the "working stuff."

    @bentwing - they did do a T-28A - limited run, not terribly accurate, but the cowling and 2-blade prop are close - and if you have one, it's worth its weight in platinum.

    • Thanks Tom...I can backstep to their Air Force A and the Navy B in yellow. I really prefer the Navy bird. Seems like you nailed one of those yourself. Beautiful model too.

  4. Wow. Nice work. That’s from a day gone by. I think that was the second 1/48 kit that I built with my dad, after a Monogram Kingfisher. My uncle flew those on his first trip to Vietnam as part of “Operation Farmgate”. We built it and gave it to him.

  5. Very nice build, Clark @clarkcook
    Awesome work on this old one.
    I like the subtle weathering on this build.

  6. A really attractive result, Clark: nothing better to build a classic OOB!

  7. You obviously enjoyed this built, that's the most important thing, definitely liked.

  8. Great work on this oldie!

  9. Thank you Dale. I appreciate your comment. It was a fun build-well except for the old kit decals.

  10. Classic Monogram brought to life! Well done.

  11. Nicely done Clark and if you had some fun building her that's even better.

  12. Thank you Tom. The old gal still shows well.

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