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Manuel Magrinho
80 articles

SdKfz 234 Puma. Italeri, 1:35

September 7, 2021 · in Armor · · 16 · 2.7K
This article is part of a series:
  1. SdKfz 234 Puma. Italeri, 1:35
  2. France, 1944. SdKfz 234 Puma, 1/35 scale

Hello fellow modelers!
This was my 2nd car ever, and my first car and figure in 35+ years, but I had to try 😀
It was OOB, with slight modifications and a figure from another box.
Hope you like.


Reader reactions:
16  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Looks pretty darn good to me , @magrus.

  2. Really nice work on the Puma, Manuel. I especially like the way you have done the splashed-on mud effects and chipping for the rust patches. The nicely-painted figure really adds some animation to the vehicle and also highlights that it is quite petite as an armored car. The Italeri Puma is still a good solid kit, accurate and very buildable. I have one to do in my stash, as well as the Dragon version. You have done a first class job on yours especially considering it is only your second model of this type!

  3. Outstanding work, figure and vehicle!

  4. Absolutely like it, Manuel @magrus
    Especially the weathering and paintwork is very nice.

  5. Amazing result, Manuel!

  6. Very nice. Well done on the vehicle and the figure. Do you have plans for ground work to display it on? That would really set it off.

  7. I like non~track military vehicles, especially when they are as good as this one. I guess it would look good in a diorama, but it's also fine on its own, definitely liked.

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