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Bob Torres
74 articles

The old KP 1/72 Avia CS-199 kit no. 11

October 20, 2021 · in Aviation · · 18 · 1.7K

This is the older release of 's CS-199 () that was released in 1978. Not exactly a kit that falls together and a bit more rougher than my recent KP Arado Ar-96 build. I went on to do some upgrades on fit issues, thinning down on some parts mainly the under carriage, used cut pieces of stretched sprue to add the flight control's tabs, sanded down a lot of the raised details, scribe in the slats and replaced the propeller with a resin FW-190D made by Pavla in which I feel improved the overall look of the build. I used a rattle can of Testors Silver after priming the surface with Tamiya light gray and then used a pencil to high light the panels. This is not a great kit but I really enjoyed working on it. I am pretty happy on how it turned out.

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Looks wonderful, Bob!
    Amazing detailing for 1/72, let alone it being the old KP!

  2. Excellent!
    The charm of the Bf-109 design works also for the two-seater, and the metal finish enhances it.
    Even tough the old KP kits are unevenly detailed and have exaggerated rivets, they are generally very good shaped and it the hands of a capable modeller thay can become convincing and interesting models, like this one.

    • Thank you Peter, agree on the older KP kits having good shape. Their biplanes I feel are very nice. This one is not their better release but it worked out.

  3. Bob,

    You pulled it off and made an excellent model from a lump of clay. KP kits are basic to say the least and sanding down the details shows off the basic out lines and helps focus the general shape of the subject.
    Some strong work on a subject that often gets over looked.

    Two thumbs up.

  4. Very nice! I have this in the stash - will follow your lead to improve the build.

    • Thank you Greg. Added a few more shots of some work that I did not mentioned above. Tail area I added a piece of cut styrene sheet to even out the Vertical stabilizer spar, rudder hinge area. For the main gear door it was a bit small so I glued a slightly oversized cover on to the original gear door and trimmed it to shape. I also added the torque links to the struts. The external fuel tank was sanded down to reduce its size a little and flatten the lower bottom rear section. I bet your will be mounted on a stand with gears up.

      4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  5. A great job on a not so great kit. Their Mig 19 is a rough kit also.

  6. Awesome work, Bob (@v1pro). I also had this kit floating around my garage for a long time and eventually got rid of it. You have done the work necessary to make it a winner! Well done on the natural metal finish.

    • Thanks George, back in the 80’s I had three KP kits in my stash. The MiG 15, MiG 19 and the Avia CS-199…I got rid of them later on probably in the 90’s but recently I picked these kits up again. I got to see other modeler’s builds especially on this kit and liked what I saw. I lucked out on this build, tried not to go too crazy on it and enjoyed it very much.

  7. Really awesome built, Bob.

  8. You buffed this diamond in the ruff quite nicely Bob, nice work all around.

  9. Amazing workmanship on this Bob…! Takes great patience and dedication.

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