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Michael Smith
68 articles

1/72 Airfix new tool RAF Spitfire

After a decidedly unsatisfactory build three years ago I decided to try my hand again. Fortunately, has a version of their classic kit, so I was able to compare the two.

The kit is really good with the exception of the clear canopy, which has to be trimmed quite a bit to fit. The detailing is outstanding,the instructions clear, and the markings - which come with a massive number of stencils - excellent. The new kit features May 1940 markings, so black/white/aluminum underside. Later boxings have the underside of Sky (which is shown with the older kit).

The build is out of the box with the exception of Eduard painting masks (CX 425 Spitfire camo scheme B). Paints are Testors Model Master dark earth and dark green, with Vallejo interior green, white, black and aluminum.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Nice job your build and your spitfire came out looking great!

  2. Great job ion your Spitfire, Michael!
    Thanks for the kit info.

  3. Looking great, Michael @mcsmith1964
    Nice camouflage.

  4. Nice work on that, Michael. I have one of those in the stash that I plan to use as a brush painting experiment.

  5. Nice job. That really is a nice kit.

  6. Nice clean build - well done!

  7. Amazing work. Can't believe it's 1/72 with all that detail. Massive improvement on the last kit too.

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