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Michael Drover
23 articles

Redroo Models 1/48th CA-25 Winjeel

November 14, 2021 · in Aviation · · 20 · 1.7K

Hi all.

This is the 1/48th Redroo Model CAC Winjeel. The only changes from the kit options are the big number on the cowl and the A number as this is model was to be built as a specific airframe. The orange/red or whatever it is, is a home brew of Gunze H14 Orange with a few drops of Gunze H(33) Russet added to knock it's vibrancy back a notch. There was an audible sigh of relief when I finished it up this morning as it's been a bit of a slog.

For those not familiar with the aircraft. The Winjeel was developed by the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation as a Basic for the Royal Australian Air Force. It operated with 1 Basic Flying Training School at Uranqunity near Wagga. Most of it's service life was spent there however several airframes were transferred to 4 Squadron at Williamtown where they operated in the FAC role until 1995.

Several aircraft still fly in private ownership.

The Winjeel name is an indigenous word meaning "Young Eagle"

A few modelling goals ticked off here in the way of resin a vac canopies, neither of which I'm a fan.


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15  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. It looks great! Resin and vacuumed parts are indeed a challenge, but usually give excellent results, just like in this case.

  2. This is a wonderful model of a lesser known, but very attractive subject, Michael!
    Looks like a challenging kit that you built in excellence.
    The final result, with its perfectly reproduced flamboyant scheme, is nothing less than spectacular.

  3. Like Csaba said - resin and vacuform do get excellent results... when the modeler brings skill and talent to the project. As you have here.

    Very nice result with an airplane I barely know exists.

    Wooo... just checked the price on this kit. I'm sure it's worth every penny, but thatsa lotsa pennies.

  4. Lovely work! It reminds me of my time at Point Cook as an Air Cadet.

  5. Beautiful result, Michael @mickdrover
    Unknown aircraft to me but it looks very nice, especially in this livery.

  6. You definitely hit this one for six, Michael, great result with the colour scheme.

  7. Wow, what a unique subject and scheme to see in scale. You've made great work of this, it looks awesome!

  8. Good job, Gary.
    It reminds me a lot of a Percival Provost

  9. Excellent build! Getting all those bright colors down on an aircraft is a challenge to have it not look like a toy, and you did a bang-up job! Well done.

  10. Just found your Winjeel, very nice model, you got the "day-glo " paint just right, think I will have to get one. I was at RAAF Pt. Cook for 2 years working on them, great aircraft. We used to have to put 54 of them on line every morning( tow them from the hangers ) and have them pre-flight checked and ready by 7.30am. had a few noisy trips in them sitting in the 3rd seat behind the instructor. The livery only had the "day-glo" paint on the engine cowls, wig tips and tail. Uranquinty was closed before I joined the airforce, which was in 1963, with BFTS at Pt.Cook. there were some Winjeels at RAAF East Sale, used for instructor and navigator training.

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