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Mark P Hartig
39 articles

1/35 Cyberhobby orange box M1A1

December 18, 2021 · in Armor · · 9 · 1K

This dates from 2013.
A miserable kit that very much did not want to go together I recall it being a struggle to the end. That being said it did have some nice features like anti-slip on the bow, the decal sheet, and the mine plow. I put a set of AFV Club tracks on it as the length and link parts from the kit were so bad as to be unusable. The bustle rack and the side racks were scratched with .030 brass rod for the same reason, and the turret needed somewhat extensive filing and several glue and clamp stages to complete. Figures are Verlinden.

It's been long enough I don't really recall all of the mousetraps I encounterd with this but there were alot of them. This was the model I discovered pre-shading on, a technique I use to this day on models with a lighter finish

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4  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Fabulous result! Your efforts really paid off with a great M1A1!

  2. Nice work, I love the finish. Looks great!

  3. Excellent result, Mark, great tackling of the kit issues!

  4. You did great on this one, Mark @markh
    Although this kit did not cooperate, you definitely won the fight.

  5. Despite the problems you encountered it looks great from here.

  6. Many thanks guys

    In the end no matter how nasty a kit is it can be completed as long as the time and energy is given to the project. In this case I was bound and determined to get it completed since I tried to build this model when it first came out sometime in the 90's and failed miserably.

  7. ๐Ÿ™‚ ... Greetings ... ๐Ÿ™‚ :
    Nice clean work on this model Mark.
    The kit might have given some bad times but you prevailed.

  8. Thanks guys it did help that I had age, paitence, and experience on my side

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