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Bob Dudolevitch
18 articles

Yak-1b from Accurate Miniatures

December 30, 2021 · in Aviation · · 23 · 1.9K

Greetings iModeler colleagues and friends, I present the Yak-1b for your review and (hopefully) enjoyment.

The Yak-1s were the first generation of modern WW2 fighters for the Soviet Air Force, along with the Mig-3 and LaGG-3. Yak-1s had growing pains like the MiG and LaGG, but since its design was completely conventional, its 'bugs' were worked out more quickly than its contemporaries.

More than 8,000 Yak-1s were built, about half were the 1b's with the cut down rear fuselage and bubble canopy. The Free-French Normandie Regiment selected Yak-1s (and later Yak-3s) when given a choice of any Soviet or Lend-Lease aircraft because it flew like their old M.S.406s and D.520s. Even its engine was a derivative of the Hispano Suiza engine with the 20mm cannon firing through the prop spinner as with the French planes of 1940.

The aircraft I selected represents a plane presented to Sergei Lugansky by the KOMSOMOL (All-Union Leninist Young Communist League) of Alma-Aty, capital of the Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic (currently Kazakhstan). I guess they held a bake sale to raise the funds, or shook down some peasants in the countryside. That presentation info makes up the banner on each side of the fuselage. Lugansky's 32 kills at the time of the presentation are represented by the yellow wreath and '32' under the windscreen.

This model was not the stress-free assembly I expected, compared to other Accurate Miniature projects I have done. My main issue was the main wing spar, which is also the aft bulkhead in the landing gear wells. If you do this kit, be cautious and shave off some of that piece and test fit it carefully. Other than my adventure with the wing assembly, the kit went together pretty well.

Paints were Testor's Dark Aircraft Grey for the lighter grey and RAF Ocean Grey for the darker grey. I was using what I had available; I think they came out about 90-95% accurate.

I also want to thank all the iModeler contributors for posting such great kits and articles in 2021, and I look forward to your articles in the New Year. Best wishes!

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Well done. Don't see too many builds of this important aircraft

  2. I agree with George, on both counts! Great model plane sir! ?

  3. Thank you, Gary! I checked out your Monogram Typhoon, and it might be one of the best Monogram kits I've seen. Have a great New Year.

  4. Bob, @bobd56az
    One doesn't realize just how small the Yak was. If you were to compare this completed model next to a P-47 or or a F4U Corsair, you would immediately see what I mean. I have built several Accurate Miniatures kits over the years, mainly the Avenger and SBD Dauntless. They were a pleasant building experience, and very detailed kit once done. I have never built any of the Soviet kits they produced, but I do have some in the stash, so thank you for the heads up about the wing spar. I also enjoyed reading your article.

    Your Yak looks very nice, and it's also inspirational as a subject for a future build. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Happy New Year to you and your family.

    • Very true, Louis; it is a small plane. It appears the design team was going for largest in-line engine they could fit in the smallest possible airframe. Thanks for your kind words and have a great New Year!

  5. Amazing build of this charming plane, Bob! Thanks for the info on the kit wing spar issue.
    Have a happy and productive new year!

  6. You presented a great build of this Yak at the end of 2021, Bob @bobd56az
    Great combination picture with your, equallybeautiful, Yak9 and P39.
    Happy New Year,

  7. Nice work, it’s a great looking Yak. These Yak piston series are great looking planes

    • Thanks for your comments, Bob. From some angles the Yak-1 looks a little 'boxy' and square. I think the Yak design bureau did a good job evolving their klunky Yak-1 and Yak-7 into sleeker designs in the Yak-3 and Yak-9.

      Best wishes and happy modeling in 2022!

  8. Very nice work on this Yak and the others in the group shots.

  9. Excellent looking build, Bob.
    I think seeing that star on the prop nose is motivation enough to choose this scheme, as well as the slogan/info on the side.
    Great looking line up also.
    And thanks for the building info, I have this Yak-1b and another on skis in my collection, good to know.

  10. Nicely one Bob, I have one in the stash and when I recently looked at it, I immediately thought even in 1/48 it seems small..Don't see too many Soviet A/C built so it was a delight to see this AM kit on iModeler.

  11. Thank you Tom, and wishing you many happy P-40 models in the year ahead!

  12. The Yak is definitely a cool looking plane and you’ve the captured it’s looks very well, great colour scheme as well.

  13. Thanks for the comments from NE China, George and I hope you have a great 2022! And thanks for posting so many great pix on your blog.

  14. Very nice build! Well done.

  15. VERY nicely done, sir! I’m finishing up my first aircraft kit (a Tamiya A6M3) in 35+ years. I started back in the hobby about 3 years ago now & began with building a full range of Soviet & US Cold War Era submarines to build my skills. They’re simple, but I had to really re-cut my teeth and they helped significantly.
    That being said, I have this exact kit in my stash and it’s next up on my build list! Your post, pictures and comments are VERY helpful! Thank you!

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