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Thomas Probert
57 articles

1/32nd scale Short Sunderland Mk IIID Models vacform WIP update Jan. 2022

January 9, 2022 · in Aviation · · 24 · 1.1K

Good evening fellow Imodelers!

Time for an overdue update on my long-term 1/32nd scale Short vacform project. Since I last updated you all there's been lots of progress to report, mainly focusing on the smaller, more time-consuming detail parts. In no particular order:

The beaching gear has been scratch-built from spare sprue and Evergreen, painted and weathered, and I've commissioned a set of 3D-printed wheels to complete the set up.

With no interior provided with kits such as these, the flight deck details were made from scratch and added to the cockpit area. I used some Eduard seatbelts but the rest was made from Evergreen plastic stock and Milliput. The cockpit transparency has been added (always a nerve-wracking experience) and blended in with filler. Windows were masked and the area sprayed RAF interior grey/green.

The engines have also been completed - these proved to be the trickiest part of the build as I was unwilling to fork out over £100 on a set of aftermarket resin engines. I managed to source a set of HK Models B-17 engines for the cylinders (the Bristol Pegasus shared a similar single-row 9 cylinder set up as the Cyclone) coupled with Revell Bristol Hercules reduction gear housings. With some simple mods they worked well. Propellers were also from the Revell Beaufighter and modified with some spinners from the spares box. The cowls themselves were a mix of Beaufighter and the kit's vacformed parts. Exhausts will be added later of course.

The floats were the kit parts coupled with alloy struts for strength - these were mated to the wing with metal pins and epoxy glue.

The numerous sub-hunting aerials have also been home made and are ready for installation once the painting process is complete.

The next task will be to spray the beast. It's far too big for a spray booth so it will be a case of using the kitchen on fine days so I can have the doors and windows open to vent the fumes from my trusty Xtracolor enamel paints.
I'll update you once again when she's in her new dress!

All the best,

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

23 additional images. Click to enlarge.

24 responses

  1. Some fantastic work there!

  2. Nice to see this progressing again, looks like you have broken to back of this build. Not much more to do now. It is looking great!

  3. Great work as usual. Were you ever able to source t hat hangar on the deserted airfield for your 1/32 air force? 🙂

  4. I always. love seeing an ID models kit built, you are doing great!

  5. Amazing job, Thomas!

  6. Fantastic work Thomas!

  7. Wow. Looking great. I'd love one in 1/48 .

  8. Cracking work, especially the scratch building!

  9. Nothing short of museum quality. With a highly trained house cat to guard over the model. I'd be sweating bullets with my felines and living on the edge. Thank you for the up date Thomas.

  10. What an astonishing thing!

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