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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Happy New Years, and my resolution is.....

January 6, 2022 · in Uncategorized · · 19 · 1.1K

My modeling resolution is to build some fun kits before I tackle any long projects, which are enjoyable, and rewarding, but I never find them "fun". So I got out a bunch of my classics I knew I planned building straight out of the box to chose 3 I would build that way. I started the X-3 last night, then I plan on the FW 190, and then Tijuana Taxi. After that I will decide on the 3 more serious subjects to the right, Hasegawa Kate Revell Chevy 53 Panel Van, and of course the beautiful Tamiya F-4B. The hardest part of the three I picked is which FW 190 version! The decals look to be in decent shape, so I will coat them with liquid decal film and give them a try. Happy modeling friends!

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

19 responses

  1. Some amazing choices, Rob!
    I too love building classics OOB!
    Looking forward to all of them!
    Happy new year!

  2. I agree with Spiros, building easy old kits just for fun is what this hobby is about, I'm building an ancient Revell Vosper MTB at the moment , it's a poor kit and not a patch on the Airfix offering but I don't care...
    I'd do the Tijuana Taxi, just looking at the box makes me smile.

  3. Yep, love that selection - I have several of those built! 🙂

  4. I plan on the same thing. Some simple retro kit builds to keep my model building "stoke" level high. I have found that doing too much research on a project can result in a spiral of having to to make too many modifications to a kit, which can ruin the fun factor sometimes. What you don't know can't hurt you, LOL. I vote for the Tijuana Taxi as well. I loved those outrageous hot rod kits when I was a kid in the 60's.

  5. Hey, Rob. With all those kits in the pic I feel like a kid again and I'm back at the local drugstore or market and standing there pondering which one my allowance was going to buy. Thanks for the memory!
    Good luck with the builds I hope you do have fun with them.

  6. Stay Calm, Build On!

  7. Seeing those boxes make me feel young again, Rob @robertandy
    Might be the reason to most of us that we like to build those old kits.

  8. They are great old kits, and if you can get original issues, or close to it they still fit great and build well! I built the F-102 and before hand heard how awful the fit was. Well I got an original issue and it fit like a dream!

  9. Ah the blue boxed Monograms.

  10. I miss Monogram. Those plain white boxes.

    And the Revell kits always such awesome artwork.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    • Yep! I mean the new super kits are great, I enjoyed both my Tamiya F-14 builds, and have no doubt that Phantom is going to be awesome, but...will it be FUN? I remember building the FW-190 after riding my Schwin Stingray to the 99 cent store (not the same as modern ones) and getting one, riding home (hopefully not dropping it) and building and painting it at the kitchen table while watching MASH and the Mary Tyler Moore show on TV. No research, no counting of rivets, just building it and having a blast!

  11. Rules are made for breaking, and plans are made for changing, looking forward to seeing the Tamiya Phantom.

  12. Great idea Rob. 3 easy builds and 3 to showcase. I’ll try to emulate that too. So far I only built easy ones in 2021 .

  13. What a great idea for getting fired up on these fun kits Rob. It's good to take a break from same ol' serious stuff, like uh... airplanes. Speaking of which, I see you have one of those Hawk Weirdo kits with Freddie Flame Out. I hope you put that on the top of your to do list.

  14. the Stiletto and FW 190 were some of my first kits, great advice to have fun every few projects!

  15. Great picks, Rob. I’m really coming to appreciate those Monogram kits. My favorite projects today are probably old Monogram and new Airfix kits.

    • I like the old Monogram kits because they were simple, but looked great when they were done. Even some of the "dogs" like the old Helldiver, really looked great of built well.

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