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Bob Torres
74 articles

Heller's 1/72 Heinkel He-112B0/B1

January 1, 2022 · in Aviation · · 16 · 1.5K

Heller's Heinkel He-112B, kit No. 240 fist released in 1979.

This was a very enjoyable build. It went together with no issues. I used decals from an RS Model kit and insignias from the Heller kit. I found the details to be nice enough without adding anything to the build. All I wanted was a simple straight out of box build and this provided me with the pleasure to do so.

This was my last build for 2021, it was done 15 minutes before the clock struck 12.

Last shot is a side-by-side view of this Heller build compared to the vacuform Rareplane build.

The complete build can be viewed by clicking on this link below, Thank you!

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Congratulations, Bob!
    A wonderful build out of the sweet oldie Heller kit!
    Looks fantastic in the Romanian markings!
    What a great way to say goodbye to 2021!

  2. Another great work of art from your hands, Bob @v1pro
    She looks beautiful in the Romanian scheme.
    Thanks for sharing your building progress in the group build.
    A perfect closure of 2021.

    • Thank you John. I think a Romanian scheme can almost make any fighter plane look pretty nice. It work nicely on this build. My pleasure on the build progress.

  3. I’m with you on the Romanian scheme, great job on this old Heller kit.

  4. Great build of rare plane!

  5. Nicely done, great looking scheme!

  6. A fine pair Bob, nicely done.

  7. Another nice one Bob! I have this kit - looking at the two schemes you did, I'm not sure which way I'll go...!

  8. Your He-112s look great, both have interesting color scheme and markings.

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