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Scott Nelson
134 articles


February 5, 2022 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.3K

Here's my J-35 . I've always liked the lines of this aircraft ever since I found and built the old Revell kit when I was a kid.

A typically nice Hasegawa kit and because of the design of the aircraft, a pretty easy build.

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19  Awesome 1 

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9 responses

  1. An excellent Draken out of the good Hasegawa kit, Scott!
    Love the painting, among others!

  2. Excellent result on this Draken, Scott @guitarhack5
    Saab does deliver amazing looking aircraft and the Draken is no exception.
    Well done.

  3. Looks good, Scott. The Draken is an extremely attractive plane. Is yours 1/72 or 1/48?

  4. Nice work, Scott. I like the look of the camo colors you chose. Would you mind sharing info on the paints you used? Looks like you also did some pre- or post-shading to give an authentic work look - maybe with lightened shades of the base colors (?). I like how this turned out. Decal application is likewise seamless. The big numbers on Swedish Draken interceptors are quite unique and very striking - odd that they were standard at one point, considering the care taken with camouflage!

  5. Thanks, Colin. For the green I used Tamiya Olive Drab XF-62. For the faded areas on that I added a little XF-60, Dark Yellow. For the blue-gray I used a 50/50 mix of Model Master Flat Sea Blue and Ocean Gray. I added a little Flat White to that for the faded look. I’ve become a big fan of using Tamiya clear coat out of the rattle can before decaling. That and Micro Set/Micro Sol got the decals to settle down quite nicely.

  6. Awesome looking bird Scott! The painting is fantastic. The mottling is a great touch and the decals look flawless. Excellent work.

  7. Cool looking Draken, very nice. I have the Revell boxing of the Hasegawa kit in my stash.

  8. Great-looking Draken! Such a cool aircraft - I've got a couple in the stash - have to get around to it soon!

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