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Gilang Andrian
4 articles

Hobby Boss 1/35 King Tiger (Porsche Turret)

February 2, 2022 · in Armor · · 10 · 1.8K

Here is King from (w/zimmerit) .
Very good value for money. ( Workable track and suspension )

Photos taken outdoor at my nearby park.

Figure and accessories from Miniart.
Added Milk crates just for fun.

This is my very first tank model !

Thanks for looking and have a nice day !

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Hi Gilang,
    Very nice, congratulations!
    I've built the old Tamiya kit King Tiger last year too (it was my 3rd car ever). It was an impressive beast!
    You really did a nice job.

  2. I agree with Manuel, Gilang: you did a wonderful job on the King Tiger. Congratulations!

  3. Great work done on your first armor, Gilang @alchemaniac
    Very nice.

  4. Great job Gilang! ?

  5. Impressive Tiger!

  6. That looks really good! Bet those tracks took some time to assemble. Liked.

  7. Very nice, love the camo scheme. Also, your perspective photo skills are top notch. Bet you got some strange looks from bystanders while you were lying on the ground snapping photos. But we understand. Really worth it! Thanks for the effort.

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