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Spiros Pendedekas
166 articles

Dragon 1/72 Mistel 5

February 15, 2022 · in Aviation · · 26 · 1.5K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Revell 1/144 Junkers G.38
  2. Revell 1/72 Arado E.555
  3. The First and the Last: Junkers G.38 & Arado E.555
  4. Dragon 1/72 Mistel 5
  5. Revell 1/72 Junkers F.13
  6. The First and the Last: Junkers F.13 & Mistel 5

Hi everyone!

This is my Dragon 1/72 Mistel 5, yet another entry to our friend's Paul Barber @yellow10 "First and Last" mini group.
The Mistel 5 project was one of the last glide bomb developments submitted to the RLM before the end of WWII. Arado, working with Rheinmetall-Borsig, designed a simple glide bomb that could be powered or unpowered, to be carried beneath a Heinkel 162. The purpose of this flying bomb, which could be guided by remote control or a target guidance system, was to attack targets such as ships or large fixed objectives.

Construction of the E.377 was wooden throughout the entire aircraft.

The fuselage was circular in cross section and was cigar-shaped. Mounted in the nose was 2000 kg (4408 lbs) of Trialen 105, a high-explosive especially suitable for ship attacks. In addition, 500 kg (1202 lbs) of an incendiary liquid was stored in the rear fuselage which also acted as ballast to counterbalance the forward warhead. A standard SC 1800 bomb could also be fitted in the forward fuselage of the E.377 in place of the other explosive. The wings were tapered and shoulder mounted. They also served as auxiliary fuel tanks for the parent aircraft. Fuel was drawn from the E.377's tanks by means of jet pressure which drove a compressor in the power plant of the parent aircraft. The tail unit was symmetrical on top and bottom with a horizontal tail mounted on the upper half of the fin.

Take off was accomplished by means of a releasable trolley which was similar to one that Rheinmetall-Borsig had designed for the Arado 234A.

Since the Ar E.377 Mistel was heavier, an extra set of wheels were added to the new trolley. Once the aircraft reached takeoff speed, the trolley was released and slowed with a parachute and rockets. Assembly of this Mistel was carried out using a special trestle and frame to add each aircraft on top of the trolley.
Upon arrival at the target, the E.377 would be released by means of explosive bolts and then terred to its target by means of a control device. This device would make adjustments in the control and rudder movements from the carrier aircraft after launch, or the E.377 could just be set to glide straight after separation.

There was also a twin BMW 003 jet powered version to be used with the Heinkel 162, since the single jet engine of the He 162 would not have been powerful enough to carry the E.377.

This version was known as the E.377a and was similar in all other aspects to the E.377. A piloted version was also planned, to be a suicide weapon, but was cancelled before the end of the war. The E.377 was never constructed due to the end of the war.
The Dragon kit is a little gem, out of which a detailed Mistel 5 can emerge. Dragon kits have the reputation of being not necessarily the among the easiest to put together and this fits the bill!
should you wish to read the full build review, you may do so by visiting my beloved site Modelingmadness:

My sincere thanks to Dan Johnson, who allowed me to use parts from his second to none site.
Happy modeling!

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

26 responses

  1. That looks great! Well done, Spiros! @fiveten

  2. What an exceptional Mistel combination, Spiros @fiveten
    Excellent result.

  3. Such unusual theme! Great work!

  4. Another very cool project! Never know what to expect from you, but it's always captivating!

  5. A most interesting build! Looks great, Spiros.

  6. Really cool build Spiros @fiveten. This thing is going to look magnificent on a shelf or in a display case.

  7. Nice ! The Mistels are Fun builds. Many types and offerings. This one with the Heinkel is one of the “ what if ‘s “

  8. Only the Krauts could dream up somethig like this.

    I've never done a Dragon aircraft model but I've done plenty of their armor kits and for the most part they tend to be fiddly and somewhat terrible to work with. I can only imagine what their aircraft kits are like, ain't gonna find out.

    All that being said, you've done a spectacular job with this, bringing it to a fine finish. Likely a good thing they were never put into production eh?

    • Thanks my friend @markh! Yes, Dragon kits look spectacular in the box (and do produce great models), but construction tends to be fiddly. They might be at areas over-engineered, as well.
      The Mistel designs featured many advantages but roughly equal disadvantages. They were daring machines for sure. Yes, luckily the Mistel 5 remained a paper project!

  9. Brilliant build Spiros @fiveten ! What a combination! The 'mistel' always seemed a clumsy concept to me but this actually comes across as an elegant pairing!

    Thanks again for joining in the fun - your 'first and last' collection is outstanding!

  10. Great result on these old Dragon kits. Nice backround info as well.

  11. That's a belter.
    Nicely done.

  12. Impressive they both, the real thing and your beautiful model. Great !

  13. This is an amazing build!

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