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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

P-51B/C 1/72 ARMA Hobby

March 10, 2022 · in Aviation · · 19 · 1.8K

Another fantastic kit from ARMA. The molding quality and level of detail rivals that of 1/48th scale kits. The cockpit detail in particular is outstanding. The kit offers parts and marking for seven very diverse Mustangs, including a reconaissance version and one captured by Japan. I choose the B-5 Mustang “Ding Hao” flown by James H. Howard who initially flew P-40s in China for the American Volunteer Group and later commanded a squadron of P-51Bs for the USAAF in Europe. Thus his aircraft is adorned with both Japanese and German victory markings. He was awarded the the Congressional Medal of Honor for single handedly defending a B-17 formation from successive Luftwaffe attacks.

The kit includes both open and closed versions of the Malcolm Hood canopy. This kit did require a little more filling and sanding than other ARMA kits I've built. ARMA provides a web page to give some quidance on painting and to provide some corrections to the instructions. For instance, I directs you to scribe the engine hood seam that was not molded. I did the bulk of the painting with Tamiya and Hataka paints. Despite these minor imperfections, I highly recommend this kit.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. Fantastic work! What part of the instructions was changed? How about fitting fuselage and wings?

  2. What an amazing result, Dennis!
    You fooled the scale for sure!

  3. Very nice result! I have the kit and am very impressed by it. the clear parts are molded so thin and so clear, they could be vacuformed - but they aren't! I think this is, right now, the best P-51B in any scale.

  4. Well done, Dennis.

  5. Excellent work. I'm not familiar with this kit, but now seeing your model I am very impressed. I built a Ding Hao version using the Hasegawa kit with corrected resin wing awhile ago. It does not compare to your model.

  6. Nice work, Dennis. That kit looks great. I’m waiting for their 1/48 Hurricane.

  7. Very impressive modelling using a very impressive kit. In summary, I am impressed.

  8. Beautiful result, Dennis @dmeyers
    Especially for a 1/72 scale the interior looks superb.
    Well done.

  9. A real beauty! I don't have any Arma kits in my stash, but have seen enough of them now to know I need a few! The detail for the scale is excellent.

  10. I've got one on the bench. My sample had some slight sink marks on the landing gear covers. No big deal a NBD.. The kit also, provides a tail fillet, provides metal and paper drop tanks, small bombs and two different styles of exhausts. The molded details lean towards what you'd find on a Eduard kit. But, with out all of
    extra parts. It's not a shake and bake kit but, some impressive results obviously can be had as seen with Denise's master piece.

    Brett Green wrote that the landing gear needs TLC with alignment and getting it to fit solidly.

    Two thumbs up Dennis

    • Thanks Stephen. Also thanks for describing all the extras included in this kit. The box is packed. It really is a must-have kit for anyone into 1/72 scale or P-51s.

  11. What an amazing result for 1/72 scale. Superb work!

  12. Just amazing! Great work Dennis.

  13. All of the above, great job!

  14. Great looking P-51B, nice work on the build. Arma has a winner.

  15. A truly amazing job, Dennis! Definitely looks bigger than 1/72 scale by all the details you’ve been able to enhance.

  16. Looks amazing, the details are really nice. I'm eagerly awaiting their Hurricane Mk.IIc in 48th scale.

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