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George V Guimaraes
42 articles

Tamiya 1/48 Spitfire Mk I (new tool)

April 2, 2022 · in Aviation · · 20 · 1.1K


This is my most recent project. Nothing else to add, or praise, regarding this wonderful kit. It is a pleasure to build and everything works just fine, even the decals. Except for the roundels, that I've painted using masks, all others reacted really well to Gunze's Mr Softer.

This particular kit represented a Spit in 1940, so perhaps I may have weathered it a little bit too much, for they should have been relatively new then. But, it's done!
Hope you'll enjoy!


Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Nice work on this, George.

    Actually, a Spitfire in 1940. Battle of Britain. You're right to question weathering - most of them didn't last long enough in service to get really dinged up. However, what you have done is light enough to be OK. Maybe this is one that Max Beaverbrook's repair organization brought back from the dead.

  2. Nice looking Spit George, nice to hear it's decent kit as I have one in the stash. Two thumbs up.

  3. That's one nice looking Spitfire, George! Colours look bang on with nice blending.
    Good to hear the decals work great.

  4. Excellent job, George! Weathering is superb!

  5. Great achievement, George @george72
    To me the weathering looks superb.

  6. Nice Spitfire, George!

  7. Nothing short of perfect George. My only niggle is that I can't see your build in person. Some strong observation skills, building and painting. A text book example on what to do. The model could be the subject of a hardcopy book. As in reference material.

    Two thumbs up.

  8. Looks amazing! Excellent build, weathering is well done!

  9. That's a beautiful Spit - well done!

  10. yep a beauty! Actually I believe they did leak copious amounts of oil underneath!

  11. Thank you! Oh, yes, it seems the oil underneath was always there.

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