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Djordje Colovic
58 articles

1/35 Zvezda T14 Armata

May 3, 2022 · in Armor · · 6 · 1.3K

I did this 's model as a joy and rest from planes. And it was very satisfactory. Very easy and good model, except few problems and puttying parts of the cupola everything was aboslutely fantastic for build.

I painted the model in a russian green and made some modulations and just panelling with Tamiya's black accent color. This machine was a part of the Victory day parade and it was in a mint condition, so I decided to do it OOB and like it was just seconds before rolling down the Red Square.

Very easy and very thankful model to be build. Everything was painted with acrylics, even the primer was acrylic. Mainly it was done because I preserved Mr. Black and other Gunze's primers for some more serious models, because import of these products to Serbia will not be very soon .

I hope that You will enjoy pics of my build. Next on my bench will be something very serious, Do17K made by licence in Serbia in city of Kraljevo. Very hard and unforgiving model.

Until then, enjoy with T14 . Cheers!

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5  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Absolutely superb result, Djordje!

    • Ευχαριστώ Σπιροσ (I hope I didn't rust too much my Greek from faculty till now). I decided to do it in mint condition. It was very odd to see it after marring without weathering... 🙂

  2. Great result, Djordje @sheol
    Your next build is clearly something different, looking forward to that.

    • Thank You 🙂
      I started Do17k last night, it would be great temptation, nothing fits, panels are shallow, I will have to do many modification. But I hope that You will enjoy 🙂

  3. Bas je dobar! Well done!

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