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Dan DeSilva
72 articles

Hasegawa 1/48 TA-4J Blue Angels "Casper"

August 24, 2022 · in Aviation · · 17 · 1.3K

Here is my TA-4J "Casper"- a replacement aircraft that served in an all white scheme during 1981 Winter Training.

One thing to keep in mind when building the 1/48 TA-4J, is to ensure you use the vent part for the fuselage just aft of the cockpit. The original boxing of the Hasegawa TA-4J mistakenly directed you to use a part to close up the hole on the spine.

I made use of resin seats from the Classic Airframes TA-4J kits. The adversary boxings (first issue) came with poorly cast seats, but was able to use the cushion parts from the poorly cast seats with the Hasegawa ejection seat sides, for improved detailed seats in other builds. I used the better seats from the later boxing for this build- they have great belt details.

I had hoped to be able to have my "Blue" A-4F and TA-4J's done by now to be posted with this, but I got side tracked by Zeros and a F-8P (French Navy). Postings to come soon!

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9  Awesome 1 

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Nice work, Dan. Always good to see a Skyhawk.

  2. Looks great, Dan.

  3. Fantastic result, Dan! A distinctive looking Skyhawk that you rendered superbly!

  4. My friend RADM Denny Wisely, who was Blue Angel 1 in the 1980-81 seasons, dropped by here after I told him you had done this, and he liked it a lot - said it was very realistic, @danfrombermuda.

    • Hey Tom, you have pretty much made my MONTH! I really respect the work of the Blue Angels- really nice to know you shared my work with RADM Wisely-I really appreciate that!

  5. Great looking A4, Dan @danfrombermuda
    Very nice scheme for a Blue Angel.

  6. Well done, Dan. I did a TA-4J two years ago, and I agree with your remarks. Besides, you succeeded to put the canopy in closed position, which is not easy on that kit. Bravo!

    • Thanks Stephane, I had to make a few adjustments at a time and file and sand carefully for it to fit snug. I can pull the canopy off and replace it- its not glued.

  7. Great build Dan! Unique scheme, great paintwork and finish! Top notch stuff here! Never knew about the white training scheme. Thanks for sharing!

    • Thanks David, Casper was just a replacement aircraft during Winter Training. They would normally have used the Blue TA-4J that was assigned to the team but I believe it was in for scheduled work to have it ready for the season. They marked a standard training TA-4J with the blue titling as it would be easier to return casper back to regular duties that way, also it takes a LOT of work to paint up an aircraft with the standard Blues scheme for such a short time.

  8. Looks great! I'd never seen that scheme for the Skyhawk or the Blue Angels. Well done.

  9. A real beauty! Nicely done.

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