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Valter vaudagna
49 articles

Ace of sword club Show Social

September 20, 2022 · in Show Reports · 10 · 0.9K

On sunday 18/09/2022 the social exhibition of the ace of sword club was held in Varese ( Italy).
In which other modellers from Lombardy,piedmont,Veneto and Canton Ticino ( switzerland)partecipated in addition to the club members .
Here are the photos of the most significant models...Good vision

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19  Awesome

71 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Not sure which is the most spectacular. The Cutlass and the Mig-21 really are amazing

  2. Some very good looking models there, Valter.

  3. Splendid!
    All of them!
    A Sunday to remember!
    Thanks for posting, Valter!

  4. Looks like a fun show. I like the Alitalia Macchi.

  5. What an amazing submissions, Valter @zagorten27
    You must have had a great time at the exhibition.

  6. Great looking show and a lot of fantastic looking entries. Thanks for posting all these photos, Valter.

  7. All really nice. Some seriously good work on display.

    Having fought the F-101C to a draw myself, I was impressed with that one, since the modeler also figured out the way to distract the eye from all the faults-that-can't-be-fixed was a multi-hue weathered look.

    Photo 72: model geeks. You can recognize them at 100 yards anywhere on the planet. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Great collection of models on those tables! I was also particularly drawn to the VooDoo, as my dad flew that model 101 out of Bentwaters at about that same time, and I think Valom is the only one that makes a single-seat non-recce VooDoo.

  9. @zagorten27, Wow! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ What a great collection of amazing models. What's the story behind that yellow MiG-21? That is certainly unusual! Thanks for showing this to us here! ๐Ÿป

  10. Just a fantastic array of excellent modeling work, love the F-4 camouflage and weathering work, great tribute to Colonel Robin Olds!

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