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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Classic Airframes 1/48 Fairey Gannet

September 16, 2022 · in Aviation · · 18 · 1.3K

A limited run kit with resin parts is a sure sign of ample dry fitting. ' is no exception. Yet. I like the looks of this big and rugged naval aircraft. The mold of plastic parts is basic. To add insult, the kit price was sky high. I waited several years until the opportunity to buy the two kits came. In case you wonder, it was Hannants re-issue auctioned in Ebay after the initial rush.

Fortunately, the limited number of parts allows you to concentrate on cutting the resin blocks and adding the balance weight. You will need almost more space than what the front fuselage cavities offer.

The complex wing fold mechanism is represented by the Airwaves PE set. Unfortunately, it is the only game in town. Not only that the detailing is limited, but also the wing profile is far bigger than the model's wing. Nonetheless, when all put together, the unique aircraft type and wing fold mechanism distract from the imperfections in the build.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. Two excellent builds, Rafi @blackmopane
    You really got the most out of these kits and the folding mechanism does add a lot of realism.
    Great choice to have one with the wings folded and one with the wings opened.
    Well done.

  2. Both are wonderful, Rafi!

  3. More years ago than I want to remember, I was still in short trousers, I built the Frog 1/72 scale kit of the Gannet, I’m sure it didn’t look anywhere near as good as these. The Gannet falls into the “ugly but beautiful” category for me, and you’ve certainly caught those looks here.

  4. Congratulations and many kudos for having the tenacity and plain stubbornness to overcome this kit and beat it into submission. A triumph of talent and skill over plastic!

    I had one of these and gave up in defeat when I put all the weight I could cram inside and it still wasn't enough. Congratulations to you on your victory.

  5. Thank you Tom.
    You put it very succinctly, which is why I go meticulously over your kit reviews.
    The first model I built is still tail heavy. There is room for weight between the bulkhead and the instrument panel that I did not use then.

  6. Nice work, Rafi. I’m hoping Airfix does one of these in 1/48 at some point.

  7. Thank you John
    If one comes out like the Walrus, I would build another two!

  8. They look excellent! Well done.

  9. Amazing work Rafi ,this is a real trouble maker lurking in many a " too do " pile , they both look amazing but the silver one stands out because it's not the usual FAA colours.

  10. Thank you Neil.
    Take your time with the model. Do not invest much work in the interior, which is hardly visible. Take care with the separation of resin blocks. Lots of weight. I have no doubt that you will succeed.

  11. Great job on that wing fold! Great job on both builds!

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