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Paul van Acker
118 articles

Eduard Fw190D-9

September 4, 2022 · in Aviation · · 16 · 1K

Eduard Fw190D-9. JV44 Flown by Lt Heinz Sachsenberg (104 victories) The translation of the writing on the fuselage is "Sell my shroud, I am leaving for Heaven" Found abandoned in Munich Riem, April 1945.

If I'm honest, this is one of the kits that did not go together well. I'd not want to do this one ever again, but I'm glad I stuck with it. Not for the faint of heart.
Fortunately, most of the other Eduard kits I've done have been far better.
Thanks for looking.
Paul in Australia

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Lovely pictures , Paul. To be honest I don’t do military models any more, but I keep getting warning messages about Eduard models.

  2. A wonderful result despite the challenging build, Paul!
    Well done!

  3. Nice looking Dora, Paul. Well done!

  4. Beautiful end result. Thanks for posting this.

  5. Beautiful Dora, Paul @paulwoodyvanacker
    Chosen scheme is great and you applied it superbly.

  6. Thanks for taking the effort to go "above and beyond" and creating this really nice iteration of the Eduard Dora-9, @paulwoodyvanacker - you will be rewarded by the news Eduard plans to do the same thing to their Dora kits that they did to the Antons with a new release that brings the Dora up to the new Antons.

    Beautiful paintwork on this.

  7. Nicely done, an interesting build.

  8. Looks really good! Extraordinary colour-scheme.
    Munich was freed on April 30th 1945 (not 1944)

  9. Nice work on this one, Paul.

  10. Very nice work - this scheme looks like it belongs in a circus somewhere! Well done.

  11. Fine job. I am working on one of these now. I agree, it's a hard flog and not to be undertaken lightly. The gun bay covers are a poor fit and locating pins are a slack fit elsewhere. A good kit, but has taken many hours to build.

    • Good luck. I had problems fitting the engine in as well. I ended up leaving it out, If I ever do another D9 it'll be the Tamiya kit or one of the updated eduard kits... probably the Tamiya . LOL. I'm scared of the eduard D9 even if it is updated.

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