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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

Great Hobby Shop Find

September 6, 2022 · in Uncategorized · 10 · 0.9K

On a recent visit with my brother we discovered the Hillsboro Hobby Shop a few miles east of Portland, Oregon. This is a great classic main street hobby shop. Their stock runs the gamut...scale models, RC, rockets, doll houses, etc. The guys working there modelers themselves. The center piece as far as I'm concerned is an wide ranging offering of vintage and classic model kits acquired from a number of sizable collections. They also have an impressive stock of aircraft, armor and car books. I left with a few rare gems (already started the P6-E).

Well worth the visit! They also do online sales through

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8  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Looks like a dream place, Dennis! A rarity in our modern times where the classic and beloved hobby shops either close down or become purely internetic (ie moving to a warehouse).
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a great discovery you did, Dennis @dmeyers
    Those shops are very rare these days.
    You just have felt like being in heaven.

  3. Great. Very rare kits include Polish early 7TP tank!

  4. Looks like a great shop !

  5. You’re very lucky to find such an establishment these days, I wish them success.

  6. Looks like a great place, Dennis (@dmeyers). Brick and mortar hobby stores are getting hard to find. It is always great to go in and just talk models with those in the store. It is hard to do that when you order online.

  7. Well spotted Dennis @dmeyers!
    Great to see these places are still thriving in the modern day and age.

  8. These shops are few and far between. We had Dave's in Freeport Long Island, it's closed now There is still Men at Arms.on route 109.

  9. Long live the independent hobby shop !

  10. Always great to see LHS's, however it being almost on the other side of the world! 😉

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