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DJ Fajardo
11 articles

HobbyBoss 1/35 Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D Tauchpanzer

September 26, 2022 · in Armor · · 4 · 1K

My next build was my first HobbyBoss ( rebox) kit. A IV Ausf.D Tauchpanzer, literally “diving tank”.

A number of Panzer IIIs & Panzer IVs were converted into submersible tanks for the planned invasion of England (Operation Sea Lion). The idea was that they'd be carried most of the way across the English Channel before being lowered to the seabed. They would then drive across the sea floor and emerge on the British beaches. With the eventual cancellation of Operation Sea Lion, the Tauchpanzer IVs were issued to the 18th & 3rd Panzer Divisions where they operated as normal tanks. These Tauchpanzers did operate underwater on 22 June 1941. The 18th Panzer Division used them to cross the Bug River northwest of Brest, Belarus early in the invasion of Russia.

This HobbyBoss/Tristar kit can be built as a standard Ausf.D or as a Tauchpanzer in one of three modes- Combat, Preparing for Submersion and Ready for Submersion. I decided on Combat mode. This 2005 tool Tristar kit has a relatively small amount of PE (if you don't count the wingnuts 😄, but a high plastic parts count. Plenty of tiny parts like bolts, etc. plus individual link tracks. Great detail but this is for experienced builders. I have yet to build a Dragon kit but it looks similar. OOTB build, except for the added spare track holder on the front. Finished in Tamiya acrylics (German Grey XF-63) and weathered with enamels. Completed in December 2021. I enjoyed this challenging build!

Ausf.D Tauch 18th Panzer Division, East Prussia 1941

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Great model, must have scared the sea life seeing one of these.

  2. Very nice armour, Juan @juan2six. The tools on top of the tanl do look very realistic.

  3. Another winner, DJ!

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