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Jan Baranec
4 articles

P-51D-15 CheckertailEduard 1:48

September 25, 2022 · in Aviation · · 22 · 1.6K

Hello to everyone, maybe you noticed some photos of 3D print wheel-bay and brassin cockpit on the facebook page. Here is final result of my finished model P-51D from eduard in scale 1:48. As mentioned I used 3D-print wheel-bay, brassin cockpit, wheels, exhausts and 75gal external fuel tanks from eduard. I chose checkertail camouflage straight from the box (red-tails limited edition). I created metal finish by GSI super metalic colors. I also used custom mask for the insignia star. Rest of the insignias are eduard decals.

Reader reactions:
21  Awesome 1 

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Gorgeous work, probably the best P-51 D I’ve seen in 1/48 for a long time, and surely the best made from the Eduard kit.
    How hard was getting those big checkers decals? And for personal curiosity sake, what mediums did you use to weather the NMF? (And I assume the GSI metalics you mention are lacquers)

    • Hi, I used Micro sol and Micro set decal fluids. There was no problem on the horizontal stabilizers and elevators, but harder was vertical stabilizer and fuselage. Decals are made in one piece for the vertical surfaces (except the rudder). It was better to carefully split the decals for the two pieces and applied them separately. Regarding the NMF and weathering in nutshell: NMF are GSI super mettalic SM01 (silver), SM03 (iron) and SM04 (stainless) with leveling mr.color as a thinner. I always toned these colors with glossy black (highly diluted) and airbrushing them with "cloud pattern" over the basic NMF surface. After decals application a also made some weathering by airbrushing with GSI color smoke C101 (highly diluted) over panel lines or other weather places on the aircraft. After sealing the surfaces by glossy varnish (GSI super clear III coat) I continued with oil paint or mig ammo weathering products. There is some photos (different mustang but also eduard 1:48) for better explanation.

      8 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  2. I’m no P51 expert or fan but that looks like pretty good work to me.

  3. Simply spectacular, in every regard. Well done!

  4. Outstanding!

    I have the Eduard P-51 and I'm going to look up that printed wheel bay right now.

  5. VERY well-done. Build and finish super. Weathering spot-on. And that wheel well work is spectacular...too bad it's not on top for show rather than in the belly of the a/c.; suggest placing your model on a mirror so folks can readily see your exceptional workmanship.

  6. Very, very NICE! Great job on the complete build, Jan.

  7. A true gem, Jan @honza-baranec. The painting and weathering is really amazing. Also the wheel wells do look extremely realistic.

  8. A very handsome build. You've all but convinced me to try out the GSI metallics, those results look fantastic, and your photography and finishing techniques make this one stand out even more. Well done!

  9. Jan,

    I can only parrot all the good adjectives that have already been written. What stands out is the metal finish and the wheel bays which really, raises the bar over and above the norm. The metal finish really represents a aircraft that has been exposed to the elements and has that dull aluminum patina from being in the sun and a little oxidation . Some strong work that stands out and will be used as reference in future builds.

    Two thumbs up.

  10. Beautiful work Jan. Who makes that 3D wheel bay?

  11. Both of these models you have shown us are very nice Jan. Detail work and painting is First Rate, and you have a great result on both - proving the work is not a fluke.

    Eduard's P-51 is such a great basis for a super model.

  12. Completely stunning build! An essay in effective paint techniques - all of them in service to a very evocative interpretation. Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. This is a museum quality build. Congratulations on perfect natural aluminum finish with expert light weathering.

  14. Hello Gentlemans, thank you for all positive comments.

  15. I have to agree - excellent paint and weathering work on this Pony! You have a really nice touch with NMF finishes.

  16. Fantastic build! One of the best '51 I've ever seen!

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