Rommel visits
This is the 1/35 Tamiya Panzer III L with the Masterbox DAK figure set. A sweet, enjoyable mostly OOB build with a little scratching due to the open turret hatches, it's loosely based on the famous photo of Rommel and a crew on their Panzer III J so there was not a great deal of planning needed for it. Painted with the last of my enamel Model Masters Grunbraun as was the crew albeit with a little grey, white, and yellow mixed in the base coats for variation amongst the uniforms. I did this in early 2020.
You hit two of my favorites, Mark (@markh). Panzer IIIs and desert camo are my all-time favorites for armor. Well done.
Another superb job, Mark!
Well done!
Nice. I get a strong sense of Shep Paine nostalgia from these photos.
Really great diorama, Mark @markh
The desert paint looks very nice as well as the crew.
Absolute classic dio, I guess the figures are from the MB kit! Well done!
Nice job and display, Mark.
Oh, that's great work Mark! Very cool lil' dio man!
First rate work !
Nice little dio, Mark.
Thank you guys it was a fun little project
Superb job, the soil is fantastic!
Stay safe