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iModeler tutorialPosting your first article at iModeler: A gentle introduction

Database entry · October 13, 2022 · in How-to · · 503
This article is part of a series:
  1. iModeler tutorial - Posting your first article at iModeler: A gentle introduction
  2. iModeler tutorial - 12 practices to bring your iModeler writing to the next level
  3. iModeler tutorial - Dealing with comments

The following is a gentle 3-minute introduction to creating your first article at iModeler.


Make sure that you are logged in as most of the features presented below will only be visible to logged in users.

If you want to include pictures in your article, make sure that they're available on your computer or phone (or any the device that you're using to surf the web).

What to do

  1. Go to the front page of iModeler (aka the Headlines tab).
    You will see a prominent red Add New Article button in the upper area of the page. Press that button.
    An article entry form will appear.
  2. Start with uploading the pictures to go with your article. The first element of the form is the image upload widget - this is where you will add your images.
    Press the Select files... button.
    A dialog box will appear, allowing you to select pictures from your device.
    Navigate to the location where your pictures are stored, then select one or more to upload.
    Press Open or OK.
    The pictures will now appear in the lightbox and start uploading.
  3. You can always repeat step (2) to upload more.
  4. Uploading pictures may take some time, but you do not need to wait.
    Continue straight away by filling a descriptive Title for your article.
    Then move on and write some Content.
    Select Category, choosing one that best matches the subject of your article.
  5. Finish by pressing the Save Changes button at the bottom of the form.
    This will complete all the actions, apply some further magic to the images and - done!

You have just posted your first article - and wow, isn't it looking great among the Headlines? Feel like a rock star!
This is how easy it is.

  • Oh wait, you've made a typo or want to change something else? No problem.
    View your article. In the upper right corner, you will find a pair of buttons called Edit Article and Delete Article.
    Press Edit Article to bring up the editor form again so that you can make any corrections or changes.
    ...or use Delete Article to delete the work you've just done and start over again.

Next step

So now that you know how to post, please use your posting powers responsibly. Please familiarize yourself with our simple Content Posting Rules and have a great time interacting at iModeler!

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