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Richard Mcstay
60 articles


November 11, 2022 · in Automotive · · 14 · 0.9K

Hi folks!

Here is my 1/9 scale Kawasaki H2R Ninja from models.

I chose the pre painted version of the kit for something to put together at work. As some of you already know, I spend a lot of time at sea and don't have access to an airbrush until I come home.
I painted the heat staining onto the exhaust pipes before I set off for Greece, and took a small pot of chrome with me for detailing. Other than that, this is how the parts came out the box, aside from the addition of a few decals.

A lot of this kit was really impressive. The carbon fibre finish on the headstock looked amazing, as did the two tone black/chrome mirrored fairings. It was hard to take the final photos without getting my reflection in the fuel tank.
You don't need any glue for this either, everything pushes and screws together.

There were two noticeable problems with the kit however.
The first being something really simple that I was surprised at from Meng, especially as the kit cost around the £110 mark…
The screw driver provided wasn't magnetic. If I was at home then this wouldn't have been an issue, but I was in the middle of the Aegean sea. Luckily a mate from the engineering department helped me out and lent me a magnetic one from his workshop.

The second issue I had was attaching the chromed fairings onto the frame. I managed in the end, but it took a lot of effort to hold the fairings down and screw them in.
If it wasn't the pre painted version, I'm sure I would have destroyed the mirrored finish. Maybe this was an error on my part somewhere in the construction, but I'm pretty sure I had everything lined up correct.

Aside from that though, it was a lot of fun to put together, and an impressive kit for the most part.
It was good to see my crew taking an internet also as the build came together in the crew mess.
I quite fancy building their 1/9 scale BMW HP-4 race. I would love to tackle the unpainted version, however I don't spend much time at home these days so the painted one would keep me occupied on my travels. We will see when the time comes though.

As always, thanks for looking.

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8  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. A wonderful model, Richard!
    Thanks for the kit info!

  2. Your motorcycle came out great, Richard (@richardmcstay48gmail-com). I can't imagine trying to build this on a ship, but your results are spectacular. I have noticed a lot of the kits coming from the Far East now have an almost prohibitive price. These prices make me think twice, and usually three or four times, before I lay down the money for some of these kits. Looking forward to your next seaborne kit.

  3. Hi Richard @richardmcstay48gmail-com, good to see you’re still managing to fit in some modelling. We can’t have enough H2Rs as far as I’m concerned and this Meng version is a great addition, the finish is spectacular.

    I keep looking at Meng’s BMW kits, I’m tempted, but they’re the wrong scale for me, I’ve got too many 1/12 bikes, and a 1/9 model would look out of place.

    • Not as much modelling as I would like unfortunately mate. The stash at home is getting on the big side.
      I think I’ll need a new case now for my 1/9 collection!
      The H2R and the HP4 race are two of my favourite ever bikes, so just the two in a case in my living room wouldn’t look out place.
      I’ve watched reviews on the BMW, and the performance matches a BSB racer.

  4. Beautifully done, Richard @richardmcstay48gmail-com
    Very impressive to achieve this result on open sea, modelling to me is already challenging at a stable desk.

    • Well I have a confession..
      We spend a lot of time avoiding bad weather and hanging round fancy marinas.
      I think the biggest waves I’ve seen on that boat were 3 metres.
      Quite different to the oil industry I was in previously.

  5. Nice work, Richard!

  6. Very cool, and a nice addition on the site. That finish looks great for pre-finished, and the kit seems to have been a near perfect kit for your sea-born building... It looks fantastic finished!

  7. Hi Richard @richardmcstay48gmail-com, Father Christmas has just delivered Meng’s HP4 Race to me, only a week late, not too bad considering the Covid pandemic here. I got the pre-coloured version as it wasn’t much more expensive. I opened the box and it looks fantastic, the carbon finish is amazing. I’ll start a WIP in the motorcycles group later this week. Happy new year, George

    • Cheers mate! Happy new year!
      I’ve just ordered it myself. I don’t think it will get here before I go back to work unfortunately, so I’ve had it sent to my dads.
      I might actually get the bare plastic version as well to go in the stash, for the future when I’m not working away.
      Although that could be retirement..

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