1/48 Hobbycraft Vought F7U-3 Cutlass VC-3

December 17, 2022 · in Aviation · · 23 · 1K

Back from a posting hiatus,with a kit which fought back all the way.Punched me hard sometimes,but it is finally settled down...about the aircraft:


And the pics:

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Not perfect but hope you like it...

  2. We love it, Marcus!
    A fantastic result out of the challenging Hobbycraft kit!

  3. Nice job Marcus! I have one Hobbycraft in the stash, as well as another Collect-Aire that I will be building as a Blue Angels Cutlass.
    I was going to build my Hobbycraft one in gull gray/white, but seeing yours...I think I HAVE to do it in natural metal finish now!
    Thanks for showing us your handiwork!

  4. Nice work, Marcus! That kit is pretty rare these days.

  5. Looks great! Pity the actual aircraft wasn't so good.

    • I actually saw a Cutlass fly - the last Navy Day airshow at NAS Buckley Field Denver (became an ANG base 2 years later). Seeing the guy do low passes with the airplane at about a 40-degree AOA was pretty amazing. As I recall, I was 9.

  6. Absolutely beautiful, Marcus @mvtb
    Despite the struggles you had, your persistance delivered a great end result.
    Well done.

  7. Probably the only kit ibn 1/48 we'll ever see of this airplane, so if you can f ind one, learn to love it despite its problems.

    Nice work on this Marcus!

  8. I can imagine the battle you had with this Hobbycraft model, Marcus (@mvtb), but the model really looks great. The Cutlass always looks great built up, and your paint scheme is especially nice. Well done.

  9. Looks like it was worth the battle, Marcus, great looking model.

  10. I always like the look of the Cutlass, well done on what I am sure was. a challenging kit!

  11. Super nice work Marcus @mvtb! Now, I want one too!

  12. There just is something about those crazy early Navy jets. You did it justice.

  13. You did a marvelous job Sir. I’m curious about the kit. Was it the basic Hobbycraft kit or the elite version? I have one of each and hope to do a similar scheme as yours. What were your issues with the build? Truly inspirational work!

  14. This is still the only Cutlass in 1/48. I would love to see another kit manufacturer release a Cutlass in 1/48. I bought the Fisher Models 1/32 Cutlass and it's BIG in 1/32. Needless to say, you did a stellar job on your Cutlass. It's my all time favourite US Navy jet of the 50's because of its radical appearance. Thanks for sharing your beautiful Cutlass!

  15. very nice NMF!

  16. Hello Marcus,
    I did this kit a couple of years ago, and it is everything except an easy kit (https://imodeler.com/2019/06/vought-f7u-3-cutlass-vx-4/)
    Bravo for your clean rendition, Marcus!

    For info, KittyHawk planned to make a Cutlass in 1/48, but they went bankrupt. Maybe another brand could recover the done work?

  17. Nice build! Such an odd-duck of an aircraft.

  18. Thank you for each one of you for your kind comments and support!

    All the best chaps!

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