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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

1/48th Focke wulf 190D-9

December 8, 2022 · in Aviation · · 24 · 0.7K

The counterpart of the British Tempest not only in performance, but also with a resolute stance which is well retained in the 1/48th model. Yet, maximum effect is achieved if the radiator flaps are in the open position.

I present here four Doras of which three are 's and one of . The more the finished model looks like the real aircraft I may find myself repeating the topic. Already, some twenty Doras accummulated in my collection. Interestingly, the 1/72nd and 1/32nd scale models of the kind do not trigger the same realism effect on me.

Here is a tip to deal with your aging models that may have yellowing decals. I use oil paints with fine brush over the yellow decals. The texture of oil paints is sublime because it allows gradual transition of color hues with no brush traces left. Mistakes can be wiped out with any blunt tool and no solvent is required.

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18  Awesome

23 additional images. Click to enlarge.

24 responses

  1. One can never have too many Focke Wulf's ! Yours are spectacular. I definitely clicked on the "like" button.

  2. All are spectacular indeed, Rafi!
    Thanks for the tip!

  3. You are welcome Spiros

  4. Every single one of them looks amazing, Rafi @blackmopane
    A great addition to your already impressive amount of Doras.

  5. I love the mass of Dora's in that final photo!

  6. Brilliant! Evocative and fun. I doubt the Luftwaffe even had that many 🙂

  7. This is what I like in modelling you create your own wealth and enjoy it in the process.

  8. That is some nice work. Makes me want to run out and buy a Dora for my next build.

  9. That’s a “Dora” palooza 😉
    Nice collection mate

  10. Excellent work on all of them, and what a great gathering of eagles! Nicely done.

  11. Thank you Greg. Kommandeur decals provided the major incentive for the collection

  12. Beauty Rafi! @blackmopane, They all look superb Rafi, and are a testament to the skills of the builder! 👍

  13. Superb in all departments. Very much 'Liked'.

  14. G'day Rafi (@blackmopane),
    The Dora is my favourite aircraft.
    I have a Dragon and Eduard kit on the go (well, they have been "paused" for a couple of years, now, when other projects got in the way).
    You have done such a great job on yours - inspiring.

  15. Thank you Michael
    Enjoy your Dora builds

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