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Paul sutton
23 articles

"Dude...just walk away!" An 'Alien' Diorama

December 31, 2022 · in Sci-fi · 6 · 1K

Anyone who's ever seen any of the films from the 'Alien' franchise knows that the first rule of space adventuring is 'stay away from the strange leathery egg things'. Unfortunately this guy did not get that memo.
A little diorama inspired by the classic film 'Alien'.
The scale is 28mm (so about 1:50). The shuttle, figures and eggs are 3D resin prints while the base itself is made primarily from insulation foam.
I put a few LEDs into the shuttle to show of the interior detail.
Painting is with acrylics and weathering is with oil paints and washed.

Hope you like it

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. An amazing job, Paul! What a great diorama!

  2. Nice job, Paul (@paulsutt542). I think every scifi movie I have ever watched has a scene where we are all shouting at the screen: "Walk away, dummy!". Well done.

  3. Got to love an alien, great work, Paul.

  4. Very nice looking diorama, Paul @paulsutt542
    Well done.

  5. Excellent dio. Alien would have been a really short movie if Kane hadn't shoved his face near one of those eggs.

  6. I LIKE it! Very cool idea and well executed. Thanks for sharing.

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