Hasegawa, 1:48 Scale P-400, "Airacobra"

December 22, 2022 · in Aviation · · 28 · 1K

This is the 1:48 scale P-400. Nice kit. Goes together very well, has really nice detail inside and out. Even the doors fit without too much tweaking. A friend of mine, Nick Buro, was a crew chief on these birds. He was asked by another modeler,"Which of the doors on the "" was usually left open?" Nick just looked at him and in his usual scruffy manner replied, "The one you wanted to get your a*s reamed out for...we never left door open unless the air frame was being serviced, fueled, armed, or the pilot was getting aboard..." He further explained that if the door were opened near the flight line, and they caught another aircraft's prop wash, it would have been ripped right off thereby, taking the aircraft out of service. Since parts and replacement aircraft were hard to come by at that time, "You did NOT want to be the guy who caused an aircraft to be removed from service..."

Anyway, back to the model...

I painted her with Tamiya Acrylics, Aeromaster decals, Flory Washes, pastel chalks, Quickboost exhaust and weapons, Ultra Cast seat, Infini rigging thread and and a Master Miniatures pitot tube.

I favor the Hasegawa kit over the Eduard kit. Eduard is still a very nice kit, but I think the Hasegawa offering is a wee bit better both in looks and in fit.

Thanks for looking and I think this makes seven for the year too, and I didn't get to a point where I could build until March.

Thanks for looking y'all, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a very Happy New Year to everyone!

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17  Awesome

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28 responses

  1. Amazing result, Frederick! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!

  2. Very nice work on this Freddie, and a great result. I agree with you that Hasegawa's P-39s are the best.

    The P-400s may have been clunkers, but the fact is they saved Guadalcanal when they provided "the winning edge" to the Battle of Edson's Ridge, the fight where the Japanese came closest to winning.

    There were four flyable P-400s, and the airfield was a muddy mess. The first one got off OK, the second got mired in the mud, didn't get flying speed, and stalled and crashed when the pilot tried to pull it off. The third was halfway down the runway when the second exploded, and flew through the explosion. The fourth stood on his brakes, gave it full power, and got off able to fly over the fire. The three then proceeded to strafe the enemy, who were making their final do-or-die attack, and broke it up. The enemy never again came so close to taking Henderson Field.

    Anyway, happy whichever holidays to you and yours.

  3. Well done, Frederick!

  4. Great job, Frederick! I agree that the Hasegawa kit is the best P-39. Monogram is no slouch either and has better shapes then the Eduard model too.

  5. Fantasdtic work @fjs3, I really like the story you led with... does that mean then that your pilot is just about to enter, or just got out?

    • In this case, getting ready to go out.

      I know, I broke protocol, but the kits interior is too nice to cover up. Other than the seat, that’s all the kits parts in there.

      In reality, the Crew Chief was responsible for the aircraft to be ready to fly. He would even have the engine warmed and running for the pilot…and the doors would be closed with windows rolled down.

      Pilots normally would enter from the right side because the throttle quadrant was mounted, smack in the way, by the left door. The crew would assist the pilot through both doors, adjusting parachute straps and so forth.

  6. great build! Love the write up as well

  7. The niggle for some modelers with regards to the Eduard kit, is that the leading edge of the wing is blunt or thick. That's the give away if your looking at photos.


    The Flory washes and the pastels really tie all the goodies together and make for a interesting build. The chipping of paint is restrained but, practical. Nothing over done, makes for an excellent build.

    Happy Holidays.

    • Thanks, Stephen

      This is my second Hasegawa build. I have built the Eduard kit also and, it is a nice kit, just not AS nice as the Hasegawa.
      I agree with you, that the leading edge of the wing is a little “Chunky”. Another boo-boo, is that there is a slight step, where the prop spinner meets the front of the cowl.
      On the flip side, the weight they provide is an excellent idea and helps to pose the model as she should be, without pulverizing fishing gear to accomplish same.

  8. Great looking 'cobra! Really like the detail with the weathering/wear, especially around the fuel hole on the wing.

  9. A P-40 with a Zero on it's tail! Looks great Frederikus. Yes Nick Buro is a lost treasure. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  10. Excellent build, Frederick @fjs3
    You have chosen for a great scheme and did fantastic work to make it look this beautiful.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  11. Beautiful work! Love the insight of Mr. Buro.

  12. My oh my that's a good looking cobra. Well done.

  13. Frederick J Seitz III (@fjs3)
    Your story about the "open door policy" was great. It's especially helpful to talk about things with the people who were there. No one else has a better understanding as to what happened and / or why it did. These WW2 vets are almost all gone now, and they are our National treasure.

    I like your thoughts on the various P-39 kits. I have several of the Hasegawa / Accurate Miniatures and some of the older Eduard kits in the stash, never built one of either. I do have experience with the Golden Oldie Monogram. I built one as a kid when they were still fairly new. I also have 3 more of them partially started, and will begin a build journal on finishing them up as part of our "Pacific" group here on Imodeler once my schedule allows it.

    You did a wonderful job with yours. I hope I can do half as good with mine as you have with yours. I have a quick question for you. What color did you use for the cockpit interior ? Thanks in advance.

    I pressed the "like" button too.

    Take care and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    • Thanks a lot, Lou!
      I used a combination of Model Master Enamlels for the cockpit and wheel wells. They were:
      Dark Green 34079, dry brushed with Medium Field Green, and again dry brushed with yellow Zinc Chromate to make the detail pop out a bit more. I also did SOME dry brushing with Aluminum and chipping with Chrome around the seat, floor, doors and exit areas and rudder pedals.

  14. A great-looking Aircobra! Love that scheme. Painting and weathering are really nice.

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