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Tom Rodgers
35 articles

HobbyBoss 1/48 Blohm & Voss Bv 141

December 14, 2022 · in Aviation · · 22 · 1.5K

HobbyBoss Bv 141B-02(V10)

My oldest son gave me this kit last Christmas. He is a graphic artist and has a penchant for “eccentric” vehicles. He thought I'd find it a fun build…and he was right.

This is one of the more exotic airplanes to come out of WW II. Though it never went into full production, it did push the envelope of aircraft design. My build represents the B-02(V10). This kit really was fun, and the fit was superb on all counts. Only a little CA glue was used to hide some very minor seams along the engine boom. I was initially concerned about the fit and construction of the cabin “pod” because it is almost entirely clear plastic, but this was not a problem. Thanks to Eduard for their masks. I doubt I would have had the patience to mask that pod myself and if I did, I doubt the results would have been as good. All paints used were Vallejo Air. Kit decals were used and worked nicely with Micro Sol/Set. The build was OOB except for 1) the pitot tube which I made from a 25 ½ gage hypodermic needle inserted into a 21 gage needle for the boom (I hate breaking pitot tubes), 2) the artificial lateral stability vanes in front of the ailerons which I made from wire and tape (thanks to Kyle Koppos for the hint).

I have read several complaints about this kit on various modeling forums, but here is my response:
1) The kit propellor rotates in the wrong direction and you need to “steal” one from a Fw 190 kit in your stash if you want it to be correct. That may be true in early versions of the kit, but in my case, the prop rotation was correct.
2) The engine exhaust ring has 16 stacks for an engine that had 14 stacks. Not a problem. I corrected this issue with my trusty sprue cutters and reference to actual photos (there aren't many available). Though the results may not be perfect, I REALLY doubt there are many “rivet counters” out there that are experts on the Bv 141.
3) I've read comments that the kit landing light should be rectangular and not oval. That said, according to a photo and statement on page 36 of “The Blohm & Voss Bv 141, a Technical Guide” by Richard A. Franks, the landing light on the “B” model was moved to the left wing and was behind an OVAL glazing.

I hope you like it…

Reader reactions:
24  Awesome 1 

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. I'm glad I could help, she looks good.

    I'm still shocked by the quality of this kit, regardless of its few easy-to-fix faults.

  2. Nice work on a weird one, Tom. Your paintwork is very sharp.

  3. Great job, Tom. I like it...

  4. Good work and a great result on what will always be - to me at least - the single weirdest airplane to ever fly.

  5. Exotic, that's an understatement, weird is more descriptive. Nice work on a really rare oddball aircraft. I like it.

  6. Super job on this Tom.

  7. I don't think it's weird, just different from the "norm". This was a pragmatic attempt to gain unobstructed all-round visibility in a recon aircraft. Actually I think it's kind of a brilliant design. The fact that it handled beautifully and performed it's function with no problems is testimony. But the "flying eye" FW 189 was already in service, and the specialized observation aircraft era was ending. Zo...
    Anyway Tom as has been said this a great build. Well done Sir.

  8. A superb result, Tom!

  9. Fantastic result on this extraodinary aircraft, Bill @trod348
    Even though this aircraft is 'different' than usual, it is still attractive.
    Your build is very nice and all the work on the transparant parts is perfectly done.
    Well done.

  10. Oh, wow. What an unusual construction. Very nice and intriguing.

  11. Great work in an aircraft that definitely qualifies as unique! I have a 1/72 version, but don't know that there are canopy masks available, so it may sit in my stash for a while longer!

  12. Like you say, thank goodness for the canopy masks, I think this aircraft looks great, your son has good taste. I wonder what he’s going to give you next.

  13. I’m waiting to see also. A few years ago he gave me the Italeri 1/9 1942 Harley-Davidson WLA. That is here in my builds on iModler. It won a gold medal and a small eagle trophy for the "Best OOB" at that year’s Squadron EagleQuest. We shall se what he comes up with.

  14. Bravo Tom! I always wanted to make that bird. Your rendition is a true motivation.

  15. Lovely work Tom. I have this in my stash and was eyeing it off yesterday as my next possible build. I'm inspired by your efforts and result!

    • It was a pretty fun build. I would definitely recommend Eduard masks…unless you are a glutton for punishment. Also, the the cockpit pod needs careful work when gluing because it is clear plastic and not regular styrene…not real flexible and you DON’T want to break it. Have fun.

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