Trumpeter 1/16, PZ.IV J , 31Pz.Rgt, East PrussiaOctober 1944

December 9, 2022 · in Armor · · 14 · 1.2K

Whew... finally, after 190 hours and 9 months of work, another model from the stable is finished. This time it's Pz.IV J with 31 Pz.Rgt 5Pz.Div. from the time of fighting in East Prussia in the fall of 1944. I added captured barrel and canisters and some mud to the model.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

45 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Congratulations on a "job" well done. With all that went in to this build nine months doesn't seem like a long time to me. Your efforts were well awarded, the realism is spot on.

  2. Amazing job, Wirgiliusz!
    Excellent result, a joy to watch!

  3. Wow! This is the best tank model that I’ve seen in awhile.

  4. WOW! Just WOW! Excellent work!

  5. Fantastic tank model sir! Incredible work indeed; your time was well spent for sure! 🍻

  6. Awesome! That is the first word that comes to mind for me. I am very impressed with the overall look of your finished work, the small details are outstanding! There are not enough armour models posted here so thank you for sharing yours. Once again, very well done sir! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  7. Your work done on this beautiful armor is excellent, Wirgiliusz @viga73rm804
    So much details and all equally perfect.
    Well done.

  8. I know the scale is big and all, but damm! What an excellent Pz.IV, very realistic! And the figure is equally fabulous

  9. Dziękuję wszystkim za komentarze pozytywne. Cieszę się, że moja praca się podoba. Wkrótce zaczynam nowy projekt w 1/16.🤓

  10. Very nice work sir, and kudos to you for staying with it and grinding it out over such a lengthy period of time, a quality I'm not sure I have in me any longer

  11. Given the amount of work required to build such a model to this high standard I think nine months is more than reasonable. Well done indeed.

  12. Beautiful build. Very realistic weathering and detailing. That thing must be huge. Still, without the wingspan of a large scale aircraft, it would be maybe easier to find a rectangular space for it, maybe.

  13. Wow. Unbelievable detail and weathering, Wirgiliusz (@viga73rm804). The Panzer III and IV are my favorite WW2 German armor, and I can safely say that this is one of the best I have seen. Well done.

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