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Charles King
130 articles

Wake Rider Anti-Gravity Bike

December 3, 2022 · in Sci-fi · · 14 · 0.7K

This build was inspired by Clint Young, who is a 3D artist professional, working with Lucasfilm. I got the go ahead, to do a 3D print of his 3D art design, called Hover Hogg. The Original image of his work can be seen on Instagram, @cgyoung_art. I have obviously added and removed(omitted) certain details that I thought might enhance and/or made the overall look, even more fantastic. So thank you Clink Young for your inspiration. Thanks to Peter Olsson for 3D printing the model for me.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Wonderful, my friend Charles! Really great to see this originating from a 3D design!

  2. Thank you kindly, my friend.

  3. I love stuff like this, Charles (@tiking), well done.

  4. That's some real imagination from the original artist, and some real accomplishment from the artist who turned it into a reality.

  5. Amazing, a product of two fertile imaginations brought to life by some excellent modelling.

  6. You brought this art design to life, Charles @tiking
    Excellent 3D printing and modelling work.

  7. Excellent build! Gorgeous!

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