Wake Rider Anti-Gravity Bike
This build was inspired by Clint Young, who is a 3D artist professional, working with Lucasfilm. I got the go ahead, to do a 3D print of his 3D art design, called Hover Hogg. The Original image of his work can be seen on Instagram, @cgyoung_art. I have obviously added and removed(omitted) certain details that I thought might enhance and/or made the overall look, even more fantastic. So thank you Clink Young for your inspiration. Thanks to Peter Olsson for 3D printing the model for me.
Wonderful, my friend Charles! Really great to see this originating from a 3D design!
Thank you kindly, my friend.
I love stuff like this, Charles (@tiking), well done.
Thank you kindly George.
That's some real imagination from the original artist, and some real accomplishment from the artist who turned it into a reality.
Thank you Tom. I'm sure Clint would be happy. He was, actually, qhen I showed him the final build.
Amazing, a product of two fertile imaginations brought to life by some excellent modelling.
Thank you kindly George.
Will let the artist know.
You brought this art design to life, Charles @tiking
Excellent 3D printing and modelling work.
A big thank you for your supportive words.
That is bada$$!
Glad you liked it.
Excellent build! Gorgeous!
Thank you Cricket. Much appreciated.