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guy barker
11 articles

1/48 Hasegawa Macchi 202

January 27, 2023 · in Aviation · · 11 · 0.7K

A tale of a build and a half. I built the sublime Macchi 202 quite some time ago.

The kit is a super model with only one tricky part of the build and that's the gun troughs over the engine. Everything else is sweet. I used a True details cockpit along with Eduards Flap set. Just enough to give it a bit more detail. On completion it sat on a shelf with Tamiyas Mk 1 Spitfire, Edwards Polikarpov I-16 and Accurate Miniatures A-36. Sadly a book shelf above collapsed completely obliterating all but the Macchi. Lots of damage but just about salvageable with a lot of super glue. So hopefully you will still enjoy what is my favourite plane along with the 205 ☺️

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18  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Rotten luck with the bookshelf Guy, but a great looking model nonetheless.

  2. Sharp looking build Guy! I lost several builds due to a house reno.

  3. Beautiful looking MC 202, great job on the repairs.

  4. That's very good looking. nice desert scheme. Like this kit a lot, won my first ever show award with one (2nd yay). Empathize with the damage too, lost several to i***t restoration(!) company employees with negative IQ's.
    Had a 1/32 Raiden walk off a shelf and lost 2 gear doors only. Ya never know.

  5. Lucky save with this, Guy, next time put the models on the shelf, they’re usually lighter than books. I lost a Ducati model once trying to take outside photos when it was too windy, lesson learnt.

  6. Nice work, Guy. I’ve always really liked that kit.

  7. Love it guy! An excellent build and a true survivor! Well done!

  8. Beautiful work, Guy @thom
    A great save on this Macchi.

  9. Nice! The Italians definitely have some sleek airframes - I'm a fan.

  10. Well worth saving Guy. A long-time favourite with me & you've done such a good job. Shame about the others.

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