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Carl Christensen
50 articles

Long Range Desert Group - LRDG

January 8, 2023 · in Diorama · · 10 · 1.3K

First build for the New year, this kit.

This is the type of kit that makes modelling a pleasure. It's simple, quick and holds up well to kits even of today's standards (except maybe for the original figures, they are rubbish). I think this kit first came out about 40 years ago and it's still great. They have added the Master box figures and an extra sprue of accessories, but apart from that it's still the original kit I believe.

It's such an easy build but looks great when it's done.

I got it from my daughter's for Christmas (I may have pointed at it and said "That one please" so they got the right kit) as it's one I made as a kid and always wanted to do again. All I had to do was throw in a sheep herder on his donkey and a couple of sheep and the story pretty much tells itself.

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8  Awesome 1 

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10 responses

  1. A great way to start the modeling year, Carl. Well done!

  2. As the lawyers would say, "Res ipsa loquitur" - "the thing speaks for itself."

    Very nice work and a super result.

  3. Carl, I too, built one of these, and you've said everything about this kit that I would have said if I had only taken the time to say it! Your build and diorama look great. I really like the pale blue camo. These days I set my LRDG build next to the TV along with my Tamiya SAS Jeep while watching Rogue Heroes. Very nice work indeed.

  4. Indeed, amazing result, Carl!
    A great way to start a modeling year!

  5. A beautiful little diorama, Carl @carlpud
    Very nicely done on all, painting weathering and so on.

  6. Excellent work, Carl! Old Tamiya armor kits are always fun.

  7. Great little scene, Carl, it all looks very natural, and the figures and animals are very realistic.

  8. Great build and great looking dio.

  9. Nice work - love the Caunter scheme!

  10. Superb. The Desert Scorpions are perhaps the most iconic fighters of allied WW2.
    Great build !

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