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Erik Kok
9 articles

Steyr RSO 1/35 Das Werk

January 27, 2023 · in Armor · · 7 · 1.6K

This is the from I finished some time ago. It had been unfinished on the shelf of shame for some time as I wanted a tarp on it but I did not know how and could not find a suitable material. Eventually I made it from thin but strong paper I found in a packaging for shoes, and wood glue. The straps are made from masking tape and copper wire, and some buckles from an Aber set. The tracks are Modelkasten I had lying around. I had used these tracks on the old Italeri kit, which by the way looks ridiculously out of proportions next to the Das Werk (Dragon) version. Painting was done with Mission Models dunkelgelb. Although it is temptive to cover an RSO in layers of mud, weathering was restraint as I did not want to obscure all the details and the beautiful MK tracks. So a little pigment, dust, an oil paint wash and some splatters and that's all. The greasy windows on the inside are done with acryl matt varnish, partially wiped away after airbrushing.

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7  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Well done, Erik! Your tarp work is superb. I agree with not heavy weathering, it certainly does not need it with your paint job. Again, nice job.

  2. Excellent job, Erik! Weathering is just right!

  3. Hi Erik, if it’s possible to describe such a vehicle as “nice” then this is it.

  4. Stunning work, the home made tarpaulin is a 5* work, bravo!

  5. Excellent result, Erik @erikvkok
    The tarp, the painting and weathering does look very realistic.

  6. Fabulous. Love the windows.

  7. Great build, nice job on the tarp!

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