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John Healy
162 articles

1/48 Curtiss CW-22B - RNEIAF.

March 28, 2023 · in Aviation · · 22 · 587

This is the new kit. Truly something that I didn't think we would see molded to this high of a standard. This is the third Dora Wings kit that I've built and was the most enjoyable of the trio. The P-43 and Vengeance were well done, but this one exhibits a molding finesse lacking in the first two. It's also a miracle that they were able to get this kit and its companion CW-21 out the door with the war going on. Dora Wings is right up there with Airfix and Eduard in my book. Well done.

36 of these aircraft were purchased by the government for use in the Dutch East Indies in 1941. During their short service lives, they were used as trainers and reconnaissance planes after the Japanese invasion. Apparently they were also to be used as poison gas delivery systems but were never employed in that role.

I substituted Eduard seat belts for the Dora Wings items and built the kit straight from the box. The paints are the two US Vietnam greens from Xtracolor over Tamiya LP-11 silver. The two greens are a good match for the Dutch “Old Leaf” and “New Leaf” greens used on the real thing. The kit decals were used and performed flawlessly.

This is such a well done kit that it could be built in a few days of solid modeling. Mine took a little longer because I spent a good chunk of this month traveling.

Happy modeling!

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Great result John @j-healy. Take a great kit and combine it with modeling talent and you get this.

  2. Good looking airplane and a very nicely done model. The engine detail is special!

  3. Beautiful result, John @j-healy
    A not so often seen aircraft being modelled. Great to see it in Dutch scheme, it has definitely been on my wishlist since you started it.
    It was a pleasure to follow your building thread.

  4. Looks good John. You'll enjoy the CW-21 too!

  5. That's a beauty. A fine build and finish. Go Dora Wings!

  6. A subject not often seen modeled, an excellent build, an eye-catching scheme perfectly rendered: what is not to like?
    Congratulations John!
    Another winner!

  7. Nice clean looking build, John

  8. Good to see another Dora Wings success.

  9. Great looking build!

  10. Looks beautiful John! You really out did yourself on this one. Well done!

  11. Great build of a rarely-seen aircraft - well done!

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