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Michael Smith
68 articles

1/72 Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat

April 3, 2023 · in Aviation · · 11 · 0.8K

This is my first completed build since 2021 - a small one, to be sure, but a completed build nonetheless. I have been wanting to learn more about the for some time - all I knew about it was that the Bearcats on the old Revell Midway kit looked to be even larger than the F6F Hellcat, so I'd always pictured something like a Skyraider. Little did I know that it was actually smaller than the Hellcat - but had the same powerplant, giving it even better performance characteristics.

The kit used is the 1975 boxing of the classic (read "old") 1967 kit. I originally wanted to finish it as it appeared when it entered service in 1945-46 and ordered a set of Print Scale 72-013 decals with a 1946 VF-3, but after studying the kit realized it was a -2, which didn't entered service until 1948. Fortunately the decal sheet had an appropriate subject, White 103 which served in VF-61 on the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB-42) is 1949. The decal sheet identifies this aircraft as from VF-83 on the Coral Sea (CVB-43) but numerous photos confirm it as VF-61 on the FDR.

The kit is pretty primitive, and wasn't helped by a poor paint job or the most difficult decals I have ever tried to use. I was using a new Gloss Sea Blue that was extremely matte finish, and the gloss coat spattered as it went on. As for the decals, they were too close together and so thin they were extremely difficult to apply. The decals is why what should have been a weekend build took weeks to finish.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

11 responses

  1. I have always liked this model! Easy to put together and I think I still have one stored away. The original decals may have been 40 years old. I remember that boxing. Too bad the print scale decals had issues.

  2. Great result on this tiny kit, Michael @mcsmith1964
    The Bearcat is indeed a little aircraft with a huge powerplant.
    I was lucky to have seen a real airworthy Bearcat performing an airshow and I can say that this aircraft is amazing, so much power, speed and still very maneuverable.

  3. Excellent result on this old kit, Michael! A great writeup too!

  4. Nicely done, Michael. It's great to see an actual photo of the real aircraft. Looks geat,it may be an ancient kit but it holds up well. I always thought that the horizontal stabilator was bit fiddley to install.

  5. I consider the kit to be one of the "Classics" like looking at Jaguar XKE , 68 Ford Mustang GT ,men's Blue Blazer, a good pair of Blue Jeans and the Black dress for the better half. I don't think any kit manufacture has accurately captured the cowling or cowling face/inlet or Monogram is the one kit that is closest to representing the Grumman icon.
    If you take things into their proper context the kit is pretty good for its time and you've done it proud Michael .

    Two thumbs up.

  6. Nice little Bearcat, well done!

  7. Wow, I hadn't seen one of these done in a long time. Good catch on it being and F8f-2 - I always thought it was an F8f-1B, probably helped to that conclusion by the decals in the kit, which are for an F8F-1B.

    If you ever decide you want to do another one, Obscureco does a resin cockpit for it.

  8. Very nice! I also have this kit - one day...

  9. Nicely done Michael.

  10. You must be very pleased to have completed this to such a high standard, Michael, what’s next.

  11. Great job on this old kit.

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