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Robert Royes
256 articles

Galileo II, Shuttlecraft Star Trek TOS, Amt/Ertl. 1/40-1/35?

April 15, 2023 · in Sci-fi · · 5 · 400

This is the original as seen on the original series. 1997 appears on the box Ertl own AMT at this time. I attempt to do some inside detail work, but that has never been my forte. There is an alien squatter though taking a bath [] .

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5 responses

  1. Beautiful job, Robert!

  2. Well done, Man! 😎

  3. Brilliant, Robert, it must be the first time we’ve had an alien squatter on iModeler.

  4. Nice job on an oldie.

    What blew me away is that the original shuttle prop was made by AMT and they still couldn't make the model accurate (till the 2020ish release of the 1/32 Galileo.)

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