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Spiros Pendedekas
166 articles

Hasegawa 1/48 Hurricane Mk.IIB Trop

April 4, 2023 · in Aviation · · 49 · 0.8K

Essentially a Mk.IIB fitted with Vokes and Rolls-Royce engine dust filters and including a desert survival kit, the Mk.IIB Trop was one of the Hurricane variants that took part in the WWII Western Desert campaign, commonly referred to as Desert War (11 June 1940 – 4 February 1943).

The involvement of the Hurricane in the Desert War can be traced as far back as mid-1939, with a Mk I undertaking tropical trials in Sudan.

Following Italy's entry into the war in June 1940, a number of Hurricanes were hastily tropicalized and ferried through France and Malta by air to 80 Squadron in Egypt, replacing Gladiator biplanes. The type's first kill at the desert theater took place in the Mediterranean on 19 June 1940, when F/O P.G. Wykeham-Barnes reported shooting down two Fiat CR.42 Falcos.

Hurricanes served with several British Commonwealth squadrons in the Desert Air Force. With losses starting to be heavy over North Africa after the arrival of Bf 109E and F variants, let alone the superlative Macchi C.202 Folgore, the type was progressively replaced in the air superiority role from June 1941 by Tomahawks/Kittyhawks.

However, the plane's ruggedness (and maneuverability), combined with the impressive armament of four 20 mm cannons and a 500 lb bomb load, made it an ideal fighter-bomber platform. Known as the "Hurribomber", it excelled in the ground attack and support role.

No. 274 Squadron RAF existed briefly in 1918 and 1919 as a patrol and bomber squadron, then reformed at Amriya in Egypt in the aftermath of the defeat of France and the entry of Italy into the Second World War.

At first it was equipped with a mix of Hurricanes and Gladiators, together with two Morane 406 fighters and two Potez 63-11 reconnaissance aircraft used by the French Flight, coming from No.80 Squadron. This situation soon changed, as the French left in September 1940 and the Gladiators in October, leaving the squadron fully equipped with the Hurricane.

In December the squadron began to fly fighter sweeps over the Western Desert, and continued to perform this role as the army advanced and retreated across the Libyan Desert.

In May 1942 the Hurricanes were modified to carry bombs, and the squadron took on a fighter-bomber role. It took part in the battle of El Alamein and the advance across Libya as a fighter bomber unit, but after the fall of Tunisia was allocated to defensive duties.

The squadron received its first Spitfires in April 1943, and had completed conversion to the new aircraft in September, by which time it was based on Cyprus.

This is the still nice Hasegawa kit, promising to offer you a trouble-free build and a good result, the only, possible area of attention being the order of attaching the front nose parts to the fuselage: since they are provided as inserts, best is to attach each nose half to each fuselage half, then join the fuselage.

The kit was build through our friend's @airbum Hawker100, a very inspiring and equally successful GB.

Should you wish to read the full build review, you might do so by visiting my beloved site Modelingmadness:

Happy Modelling!

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

49 responses

  1. Fabulous work on the best Hurricane version, Spiros! Love the finishes.

  2. A wonderful result of one of the most beautiful aircraft in WWII, Spiros @fiveten
    Personally I think the desert scheme suites the Hurricane best and your paintwork clearly shows that.
    The weathering is also spot on.
    A nice to read article as well, thanks for that.

  3. nicely done! beautiful scheme and finish.

  4. Lovely finish on this Spiros, as usual, I love it.

  5. Now that you have a established track record ( All of them being good). . . Spiros this is one of your high mark builds. Where the sun, moon and the stars align to create what I call a "Goldilocks" build everything is just right. I might add the photos go along way in bringing out the best in your build.

    Two thumbs up.

    No choice but, to smash the like button.

  6. Really nice result on this one, @fiveten. I like it a lot. I have the kit in the stash here, and this is a good push to bring that out.

  7. A very nice desert Hurricane Spiros! And that’s the best camouflage for RAF fighters imo.
    Btw, noticed that Arma Hobby will release (finally!) their 1/48 kit of the Hurricane. I expect it to be as good as their gentleman’s scale hurricanes, so a nice competitor to this kit.

  8. Nice, Nice! Great job, Spiros! need more time to build more...LOL

  9. Nice work Spiros! I sold my copy of the Hasegawa Mk.IID at a swap meet of couple years back. At that time I was expecting Arma to upscale their 1/72nd scale Hurricanes to quarter scale. Well, it's two years later and I am still waiting & hoping! The desert camouflage pattern looks so cool on these Hurricanes! A job well done sir!

  10. Great result, Spiros. Your paintwork is excellent.

  11. Hawker made some of the best looking planes ever and this Hurricane is a great example. As always with your work, it’s beautifully finished, topped off with an excellent historical write-up.

  12. A great looking Hurricane Spiros, I like the markings that you've chosen.

  13. Wonderful work as always, my friend! The desert schemes are among my favorites!

  14. Great build and I like the desert camo!

  15. Fantastic paint job and beautiful subtle weathering, Spiros @fiveten!

  16. As ever, Spiros @fiveten , fantastic work. Great scheme and subject expertly delivered!

  17. This is a stunning Hurricane Spiros. This kit has been in my stash for years. You have inspired me to get mine on the to-build list. Your paint finish and weathering looks great. These aircraft took quite a beating in North Africa. The fabric covered areas of the fuselage weathered badly. Needless to say this is a top notch Hurricane. Well done!

  18. @fiveten - Great article as always Spiros. I appreciate the history lesson as I look at the beautiful photos of a fantastic build!

  19. Great-looking 'Cane! Love the desert scheme - one of my favorite for the aircraft. Weathered and finished nicely - well done!

  20. Great work! I love Desert paiting!

  21. @fiveten Beautifully done, as always, Spiros. I could only hope to match your wonderful results on weathering, top notch. For some reason I've always favored the Hurricane over the Spitfire...

  22. Spiro, great job on your Hurricane. Desert scheme and Hurricane, perfect combination!

  23. Nice build Spiros...well done!

  24. Beautiful job mate. Makes me want to do one as well. 🤗

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